Saturday, August 27, 2011


Your child should have the following shoes:
- 1 pair of outdoor shoes (shoes of your choice) that are worn to and from school each day
-1 pair of indoor running shoes to remain at school
-1 pair of indoor black dress shoes to remain at school

Phys. Ed.

Dear Parents,
First day of school is on Tuesday, Sept. 6.

Please note that Gym classes are Mondays and Wednesdays.

Students must be in Gym uniforme on these days.

Thank you,


Friday, August 26, 2011

Unit of Inquiry

Our first unit of inquiry is titled: Who We Are
Central idea: My personal and physical characteristics make me unique.
An inquiry into:
Recognize physical characteristics.
Understanding likes and dislikes.
Knowing how to take care of myself.
Students will be engaged in projects incorporating Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Arts and Phys. Ed.
More information will follow in the next couple of weeks.
Mrs. Padovan

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Extra change of clothes

Dear Parents,
All kindergartens must be potty trained before school year starts. Just in case of accidents, please send in your child's backpack an extra change of clothes in a plastic bag.
Thank you,
Mrs. Padovan

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Dear Parents,
Welcome to JKB class blog.
This blog is a very important tool of communication between me and you parents.
Please make sure to check it everyday as I will post important announcements, homework, pictures and lots more.
Thank you for entrusting your child to me for the coming school year. I will
do my very best to be your child's guide in learning and exploring
this bright, new world they've just stepped into.
I'm looking forward to meet you and your child on Sept.6th.
Mrs. Padovan