Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Anastasia!

Thank you for brighten up our days with your nice smile!

Dear Parents,

Thank you for the treats!
Students had a lot of fun!

Friday, October 28, 2011


We had a fun day!
In the morning we investigated what a pumpkin feels like, smells like and looks like inside.
Students helped me to take the seeds out and clean them up. Before opening the pumpkin I asked students to guess what they think we would find inside, here are some of the answers:
- Cars
- Spiders
- A spoon
- A dinosaur
- A hand
After that we painted our seeds using orange pant and let them dry. Once the seeds dried, we glued them on a pumpkin drawing.
Today we also prepared a thank you card to Provincial Partition who kindly donated the pumpkins to our school last week.
*Please note that your child is not taking home the Friday envelope, we are still working on the Language and Math booklet.
You will find the language homework in the front pocket of your child's agenda.
Have an awesome weekend everyone!

Investigating our pumpkin...

Math Game

Dear Parents,
Please find in the front pocket of your child's agenda a Math game that we played today in class.
Feel free to play on the weekend!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Language Arts Homework

Dear Parents,
This is just a friendly reminder that Language homework is due tomorrow.
I know that for some of the students might be too much, as they get home tired from a long day of school. If that is the case, please let me know and we can work things out.
Thank you,
Mrs. Padovan

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


JKs learned letter N (name, sound and formation).

We had our reading groups and finished a craft of a mosaic cornucopia.

Students had their pictures taken, everyone looked well groomed today!

After lunch students wrote in their journals and attended Phys. Ed., French and Drama classes.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Dear Parents,
Please remember to read with your child and return the book tomorrow.
Thank you
Happy Birthday Jayden!

It is great to have you in our class!

And thank you for always sharing cool stories from Lone Ranger!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Today's class...

We started our day with our calendar routine, we sang and listened to a very nice story about ways of showing kindness to our friends.
In Math we are continuing with our unit on number sense. Students counted and represented numbers of eyes, fingers and toes.
In Language students review letters: A,E,I,O,U,L,T,B and practiced writing letter B.
For our unit of inquiry we read the story of Three Little Pigs, after that we had some very nice discussion time. Everyone participated really well and all remembered to take turns talking! Way to go JKs!
Students recorded in their journals their favorite part of the story. This exercise helps them to build up reading comprehension skills.
In the afternoon students attended Phys.Ed., French and drama classes.
Please check the important dates for this week. We have lots going on!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

In today's class...

We had so much fun!
We started our day with songs, a nice story time and our calendar routine.
Students had some time in the morning to practice the sound of the letters: A/E/I/O/U/L/T/B
Students also practiced their penmanship skills by tracing and writing letter B.
In our Unit of Inquiry we are talking about stories and sharing what is our favorite story.
In the afternoon, students attended Music and French classes.
To finish our day we decorated our pumpkin. Tomorrow the judges will decide which class will be the winner.
Have a great evening everyone,
Mrs. Padovan

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Please remember to read with your child 5-10 minutes and return the book tomorrow.
Thank you

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Representing each member of our families by using playdough...


We are starting a new math unit on Number Sense. Students will be learning the following:

- There are certain rules that have to be followed for counting to be meaningful. We usually count to order, label, or determine the quantity of something.
- Numbers either increase or decrease when we count.
- Numbers are represented and named in particular ways to convey numerical meaning.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Too cold...

The cold weather has arrived!
Please label all of your child's hats, mittens, scarfs and coats.
Students go outside two times daily for 20 minutes each recess.

Reading groups

Since the beginning of the year, we have been reading together as a class. Today, we started reading groups. This time provides students with the opportunity to read individually in small groups.
I'll be assessing the students constantly during reading groups.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Reading Homework

Dear Parents,
This week we are starting reading homework. Every Tuesday and Wednesday your child will be taking home a reader.
Reading time should take 5-10 minutes.
This Tuesday you will find a letter with useful tips, a reading chart to keep your child motivated and the reader in the front pocket of your child's agenda.
Please return the book the next day in the same condition you received.
If the book is damaged a $2 fee will apply.
Happy reading!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Friday Envelope

There was no Friday envelope this week, as we are still working on a Language and Math booklet.
Thank you,

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Dear Parents,
Tomorrow we are going to have our Show & Tell for letter L.
Please be advised that I will be evaluating your child on the following skills:

- Eyes are on the speaker.
- Asks relevant questions (stays on topic).
- Shows active listening (whole body).

- Gives three complete statements about show or tell.
- Uses a loud, clear voice.
- Uses appropriate eye contact.

Feel free to practice at home.
Thank you,
Mrs. Padovan

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Dear Parents,
Please practice the following with your child:
Ii says ĭ for igloo.
Oo says ŏ for ostrich.
Aa says ă for apple.
Uu says ŭ for umbrella.
Ee says ĕ for elephant.

We are having Show & Tell this Friday. Your child should bring something that starts with the letter L.
Thank you,

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Please remember that students are now required to wear the full uniform. The full uniform consists of grey dress pants or tunic, white mock neck with SJA embroidered on the neck, crested navy sweater or vest and navy socks.


You are a great addition to our class!

In today's class...

JKs are learning a new letter this week and I was glad to present to them our new friend: Larry Lion.
Every week students are learning a new letter and there is always a special animal friend that starts with the letter of the week. We also have a phonics song that we sing every morning to help students to memorize the sound of letters.
In math students started a book of numbers, where they practice their penmanship skills and number recognition.
For our unit of inquiry we are still working on our family tree project. Students are enjoying a lot!

Thursday, October 6, 2011



Dear Parents,

Today you are receiving your child's marked work. Please do not be alarmed if your child received a level 0 or 1 on his/her rubric. That only means that your child is been exposed for the first time on concepts in that area. If your child is experiencing school for the first time, 0 and 1 it is completely acceptable. Be patient and you will see the results!
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


We watched a short video today in class to help us remember the letter t sound. Have fun watching it at home:

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Today we continued to work in our family tree.
Students are practicing name, sound and formation for letter T.
We also finished our unit of inquiry book tittled: "Who We Are".
Tomorrow is Show & Tell. Please help your child to find something that starts with the letter T.
Thank you,

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

In today's class...

We started our day with our morning circle time routine.
Students practiced sound and formation of letter T and we review the vowels.
Thank you parents for bringing in the bristol board and pictures. We started our family tree project and hopefully we will get it done by Thursday.
Students attended Music and French classes.
Have a great evening!

Monday, October 3, 2011

"Friday" Envelope

Dear Parents,
You are going to receive your child's "Friday envelope" this Thursday.
Please be reminded that there is no school this Friday.
Thank you and have a great evening!

T is for...

We can turn ourselves into T's

Lower case t

Upper case T


A special thanks to Mr. Majji, Mrs. Gupta, Mrs. Callon and Mrs. Falconer who kindly volunteered at our field trip on Friday!
And to my students who behaved really well!!!
Way to go JKs!

In today's class...

JKs learned that T says /t/ for Tiger. Students practised tracing the letter T and each day they are improving their penmanship skills.
For Math students are learning about how to show information in different ways such as graphing. Today we used a graph to find out which activity JKs best like.
Students attended French, Drama and Phys. Ed. classes.