Friday, December 16, 2011

Feliz Natal

Dear Parents,

Thank you for coming to our Christmas concert last night. I think everyone did really well on stage.

Thank you for the Christmas gifts, cards and treats for our little party. I really appreciated.

I wish each one of you Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

See you on January 3rd.

Mrs. Padovan

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Good Morning!

Today students learned how to use the picture dictionary.

I would tell them to open on certain page number and look for certain picture or word on that page. We will be using the picture dictionary more often in class for activities such as journal writing.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Getting ready...

Dear Parents,
JKs are working hard for our Christmas Concert.
Today we spent most of the morning practicing.
After lunch students attended Phys. Ed. and French classes. We had our reading groups and to finish off our day we had our circle time where we played a game to recap the sound of the letters that students have learned so far.
Have a great evening!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Busy Friday!

Today we started off our day with a full dress rehearsal for our Christmas Concert.

Students came back to class, completed a couple of language worksheets and participated in our reading groups.

In the afternoon students attended French class and we finish off our day with movie and popcorn!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Instructions for Christmas Concert

- Please arrive at the school at 6:30pm, students must wear pajamas.
- Bring your child to the classroom.
- JK’s are not participating in the first part of the play; students will be sitting at the back of the auditorium under my supervision. Please refrain from talking to your child at that period of time, as some kids react differently when have parents around and they may lose their focus.
- Once their performance is over, they must sit with you.
Thank you for your help!
Mrs. Padovan

Dear Parents,

Thank you for coming to the Parent/Teacher Interview. I really appreciated you help and support.
Please, if you have more questions or any concerns regarding your child's progress do not hesitate to contact me.
Have a blessed day!
Mrs. Padovan

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


- Students must wear their pajamas on Friday, as we are having a full dress rehearsal.
- Tomorrow is parent teacher interview, please find your scheduled time in your child's agenda.
- We are NOT having Show & Tell this Friday.
- No homework today.
- On Thursday, Dec. 15 we are giving parents the option to have an earlier pick up time.
Students will have the dress rehearsal until 1:50pm. If you wish you may pick up your child after that.

Have a great evening!

Monday, December 5, 2011


We are having a full dress rehearsal this Friday, Dec.9.
Please send your child in pajamas on Friday.
Thank You,
Mrs. Padovan

Dear Parents,

Today we had a fun day!
We started off our day with songs and dancing. After that we had a nice story about sharing.
We then practiced sound of letters: A/E/I/O/U/L/T/B/M/N/
Students completed worksheets for letters L/T.
In Math we played some sorting games and practiced writing number 8.
After lunch students attended Drama, French and Phys. Ed.
At the end of the day we had our circle time where we sang and met a interesting puppet friend...ask your child for more details...he is orange and black!
Have a great evening everyone!

Friday, December 2, 2011


Dear Parents,
As some of you may noticed, yesterday your child went home with some mud on their pants or jackets.

Our backyard can get pretty muddy during winter months, teachers on duty try their best to avoid that students to go in the puddles or muddy grass.
Feel free to send in your child's snowsuit and winter boots.

Thank you,

Mrs. Padovan

Dear Parents,

We had a pretty busy day yesterday.
In the morning students practiced name, sound and formation of letter G.
This week our animal friend is Gomer Goat.
We also played some Math games and practiced writing number 9.
In the afternoon students participated in our first full rehearsal for our Christmas concert.
I have to say that everyone did really well!
When students came back from recess we played some phonics games and watched a short video from Sesame Street about letter G.
Have a great day everyone!