Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Learner Profile Attributes

As part of becoming an IB school, JK students are learning and trying to put into actions the following learner profile attributes:
Thinker- I can solve problems and make good choices by myself.
Communicator - I can speak, listen, write, create and move to show my ideas and feelings.
Principled - I am honest and fair. I follow the rules.
Open-Minded - I know it's okay for people to be different.
Caring - I care for others. I want the people around me to be happy.
Risk Taker - I try new things.
Well-Balanced - I eat healthy food, exercise and take care of myself.
Reflective - I think about what I have learned. I know what I am good at and how I can become a better learner.
Inquirer- I love discovering new things. I have many questions. Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
Knowledgeable - I want to know more about my world.

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