Friday, June 15, 2012

Last Day

Dear Parents,
It's hard to believe how quickly the school year came to an end!
I really enjoyed teaching your kids!
Thank you for your support and interest in our class!
Have a great summer and God bless your families always!
Mrs. Padovan

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Play Day!


Please find your child’s Report Card in his/her backpack.
Please bring in your child’s backpack tomorrow as I still might have stuff to send home.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Things to take home!

Dear Parents,
In the next couple of days I will be sending your child's belongings home. Please check your child's backpack.
Thank you,
Mrs. Padovan

Good Afternoon!

Today we started the day with a quick rehearsal at the Gym for Graduation. Students practiced going up on stage to get their certificates.
Next students came in class, had a snack and made a pig puppet. After that we played an outdoor game where they had to follow the road signs (stop, green, red and yellow traffic lights).
Students came back to the class and completed a worksheet where they had to say the name of the picture and circle the beginning blend. On the back of the same worksheet they had to match each kitten to the ball of yarn with the same number.
After lunch students attended gym and french classes.
To finish off the day students had the choice of writing on wipe off books or playing with blocks.
Have a great evening everyone and I hope to see you tonight @7pm.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Dear Parents,
Tomorrow, Wed. is graduation day!
The ceremony will begin at 7pm and ALL students will be receiving a promotion certificate.
Some students will receive an award as well.
Students will be siting with their class and will be under my supervision during the ceremony.
I hope to see everyone here!

Good Afternoon!

Today we started the day off with the Spelling Bee competition in the Gym. Congratulations Jayden (1st place), Anisha (2nd place), Pranav and Zachary (3rd place). Thank you Pranav and Sara for trying hard!
Next, students came to class and had a healthy snack. Zachary presented his Show and tell and right after that students completed a worksheet where they practiced sounding out the following words: cat, sock, dog, gas, hat and bus.
Next we finished our monkey puppet and head off to outdoor recess.
After lunch students attended Music and French classes.
To finish off the day we played bingo shape and students had the choice of manipulating math counters or sorting sets.
Have a great evening everyone!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Good Afternoon!

It is very good to be back and healthy!
Today we began the day with calendar routine, show and tell, story time and healthy snacks.
Next, students completed a worksheet where they had to say the name of the picture and draw a circle around the correct word. Students practiced sounding it out the following words: bag, ten, bun, lock, hill, duck, fin, hen, mitt, rat, cup and well.
After that we did our in class spelling bee contest. the following students made it to the final round: Zachary, Anisha, Jayden, Sara and Pranav. Congratulations guys!
After that students completed another worksheet where they had to count the right amount and circle the correct number.
As part of our unit inquiry we used chalks to draw roads on the pavement (in our playground) and played racing cars.
In the afternoon, students started a monkey puppet and they will finish tomorrow.
Students also attended Gym and French classes.
To finish off the day, students had the choice of playing with blocks or puzzles.
Have a great evening everyone.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


-          Wed. June 6 – Arts Night
Girls may wear a dress and boys collar shirt, please drop off your child in his/her classroom @ 6:45pm sharp. JKs will be performing a song on stage. After their performance, your child must stay with you.
-          Fri. June 8 – In class Spelling Bee Contest
Top 5 will be chosen on that day to participate in the final in class round on June 12.

Field Trip to the Zoo!

We had a great day at the Zoo!
Thank you parents who kindly volunteered!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Busy Monday!

We began the day with calendar, story time, healthy snacks and show and tell.
Next students completed a language worksheet where they had to match the following words to the pictures: duck, rat and hen.
After that students painted their creepy crawlers for Arts Night!
Next we played a game where students practiced for the spelling bee.
After lunch students attended French and Gym classes.
To finish off the day we had a whole school rehearsal for the Arts Night.
Have a great evening!
Mrs. Padovan

Field Trip to the Zoo!

-          Please be at the school by 8:45am.
-          Send your child in Gym uniform.
-          Send in a disposable lunch in a SMALL backpack.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Science Fair

I am glad to show you the results from Science Fair!
Good job JKs!

Good Afternoon!

Today was a busy day and very productive!
Students began the day with calendar routine and we reviewed all the important dates for the month of June.
We also had story time and Show and Tell.
After that we had Art class, today students created their own creepy crawling, we will be painting their bugs on Monday.
Next students completed 3 worksheets, one for Language Arts and 2 for Math.
In the afternoon students attended French class and created shapes using stick pretzels and marshmallow.
Have a great weekend!