Monday, June 11, 2012

Good Afternoon!

It is very good to be back and healthy!
Today we began the day with calendar routine, show and tell, story time and healthy snacks.
Next, students completed a worksheet where they had to say the name of the picture and draw a circle around the correct word. Students practiced sounding it out the following words: bag, ten, bun, lock, hill, duck, fin, hen, mitt, rat, cup and well.
After that we did our in class spelling bee contest. the following students made it to the final round: Zachary, Anisha, Jayden, Sara and Pranav. Congratulations guys!
After that students completed another worksheet where they had to count the right amount and circle the correct number.
As part of our unit inquiry we used chalks to draw roads on the pavement (in our playground) and played racing cars.
In the afternoon, students started a monkey puppet and they will finish tomorrow.
Students also attended Gym and French classes.
To finish off the day, students had the choice of playing with blocks or puzzles.
Have a great evening everyone.

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