Friday, September 30, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Field trip to Chudleighs!

Dear Parents,
Just a quick reminder to dress your child according to the weather tomorrow.

In today's class...

We started our day with our morning circle time routine, phonics and worksheets.
We have been reading books that encourage and teach values to the students, such as: honesty, courage, forgiveness, optimism and sharing.
For Math, students helped me to sort out a basket with all different kinds of balls in it (see the pictures below).
In the afternoon, students attended Music and French classes.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Discovering our likes and dislikes...

And practicing fine motor skills!

E says ĕ

JKs are working hard to learn the short vowels sound, name and formation.

Dear Parents,

Please check Mrs. Deras drama blog, as she have important announcements:


Please read and sign your inicials in your child's agenda everyday!



The bristol board you can find it at many stores, including the dollar store. Please make sure you bring it in by Tuesday, Oct.4th. Students will be making a family tree.
Please when selecting the family member photos, make sure to write the family title (grandparent, sister, big brother) and full name of the person on the back of each photo.
Thank you for your help!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Casual Day

Tomorrow is casual day. If you payed $20 at the begning of the year, please dress in casual clothes tomorrow.
Thank you,


• This Friday is our field trip to Chudleighs’s apple farm. The school bus is scheduled to leave the school at 9AM SHARP. Please make sure students arrive at the school on time. A reminder to have students dress in their gym uniforms (weather appropriate). Students are asked to bring a disposable paper bag lunch (incl. snacks) and ONLY disposable drinking carton/bottle. NO THERMOS BOTTLES PLEASE. Parents who are volunteering will have to drive themselves and pay the admission fee at the entrance of the farm. All students must go in the school bus, for insurance and safety reasons.
• The due date to bring in family photos and a Bristol board changed. Please send in by Tuesday, Oct. 4th.
• Show & Tell is this Friday, Sept. 30th. Please help your child find things around the house that starts with the letters A and O.


It is awesome to have you in our class!

Monday, September 26, 2011


As part of our Unit of Inquiry, we are starting a project about families.
Please send photos of the following people:
Your child
Great grandparents (if possible)
You may send in a group shot or individual pictures. Individuals photos are preferable. Photocopies are fine. Please note that we will be gluing the photos to the bristol board. The photographs make the project more interesting to the students and help them to identify the people in their family. If you do not have a photo of a particular family member, that is fine. Please send in photos and a Bristol board (any color) by Thursday, Sept. 29th.

In today's class...

This week JKs are learning letter A and O (sound, name and formation).
Students are also learning to identify short vowel sound in middle of a word such as:
For Math today students helped me to sort out pretend fruits using the following attributes:
Color (red, green, orange, purple)
Taste (sour and sweet)
Size (big and small)
For our Unit of Inquiry we are working on a book titled: "All About Me"
Students attended Phys. Ed., Drama and French.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Today's class...

We had a fun day today!
We started our day with songs and our calendar routine. We read a book tittled: "Pelican and Pelican't" written by Hans Wilhelm.
The book teaches us that we are all special in our own unique way.
For Language Arts students are learning short vowel sounds (E/I/U) and tracing the letters nice and neat.
Today we talked about Terry Fox and had an indoor walk.
We didn't have our Show & Tell today because of the Terry Fox Run.
Thank you to all parents who donated the magazines and flyers.
And a special thank you to Mrs. Simone who donated some nice books to our class!
Have a great weekend.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Short E sound

We watched a short video today in class to help us remember the short e sound. Have fun watching it at home:

Terry Fox Run (Walk)

Dear Parents,
Tomorrow (if weather permit) we will be walking to the park nearby.
In class we will be watching a short video about Terry Fox to help students to better understand the cause that we are walking for.
Students should be wearing their GYM uniforms.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

E says /e/ for Eggs

In today's class...

We started our day off with our calendar routine, completed our worksheets for letter E.
JK students are learning how important is to use sorting in our daily lives.
Students attended Phys. Ed., Drama and French classes.
In order to encourage students to be good listeners today we started a sticker chart. Where students can get get 3 stickers per day, when they finish their chart they will get a prize from the special prize box.
Why 3 stickers?
First sticker in the morning to start our day with a positive incentive, second sticker at lunch time to remind and encourage them to keep up the good work, third one at the end of the day to awarded them for making good choices throughout the day.
Thank you for your help and support,
Mrs. Padovan

Unit of Inquiry

Just in case you didn't have chance to look in our classroom...we have pretty good artists!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

JKs are graphing

Today we did a little research in our class and Alpha-Bits was the winner this time.
Thank you for your participation JKs!
You guys are awesome!


Last week we read "What I Do Best" written by Allia Zobel Nolan.
After reading I asked each student to share what they think they do best. Here are the answers:
Ethan: "I run really fast."
Mia: " I clean the garbage."
Anastasia: "I clean the carpet really well."
Alyssa: "I help Mommy to bake cupcakes."
Sai Pranav: "I clean the house."
Akshay: "I help Mommy."
Michael: "I run really fast."
Aaron: "I help Mommy clean the house."
Zachary: "I help Mommy feel better when she is sick."
Anisha: "I like to run."
Sara: "I cook frogs really well."
Jayden: "I like to paint."

Monday, September 19, 2011


Today we started our day with some songs and a nice story time. We read "When I'm feeling kind" written by Trace Moroney.
We review letters I and U and completed a worksheet.
As part of unit of inquiry each student is making a book and today students worked on the cover. We have a very creative class!
In Math we learned that sorting is very important and without it everything would be a chaos!
Students wrote on their journals and attended Phys. Ed., Drama and French classes.
We finish up our day playing a bingo game!
Have a great evening and a good night of sleep!


Please remember that students are required to wear the proper uniform purchased from Beatties. The regular uniform consists of grey dress pants or tunic, white polo shirt with SJA logo embroidered, crested navy sweater or vest and navy socks or tights.
The Gym uniform consists of SJA sweatshirt, SJA navy blue sweatpants, white socks and SJA grey sweater.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Mrs. Padovan


Dear Parents,
In the next couple of weeks we are going to be comparing and discovering our likes and dislikes.
On Friday we are making a collage in Art class you may help us by bringing in old magazines and grocerie store flyers.
Thank you,
Mrs. Padovan

Friday, September 16, 2011


Today you should have received your child's Friday envelope.
I have made some changes in our daily schedule, please find a copy in the Friday envelope. Please note that we now have a snack in the morning, that way students are encouraged to eat small portions and more times during school hours.
Today JKs had their first homework, please complete the four tasks, get your child to color the happy face and return the sheet by Sept.30th and I'll make sure your child gets an award for completing the homework.
We have been busy learning many things: short-vowel sounds, data management and all about our physical characteristics as part of our UOI (Unit of Inquiry) - Who We Are. Once we have finished a unit, I will be sending home your child's work marked.
Don't panic if you only see coloring worksheets, look for a short vowel and All About Me booklet in a couple of weeks.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Please, make sure you check your child's agenda everyday!


Sai Pranav



Wear house colors tomorrow and help your house to be in the lead!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Important reminders

- Chudgleigh’s field trip permission form is due Monday, Sept. 19th.
- This Friday is Spirit Day, your child may wear his/her house colors.
- Grade 6, 7 and 8 leadership students are raising funds by selling cookies daily at second recess. Cookies cost $1.
- Show & Tell is this Friday. The letter is U, please have your child bring something that starts with U.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Grade 6,7 and 8 leadership students are raising funds by selling cookies daily at second recess. The cookies contain all natural ingredients and will be sold for $1.
Please make sure to send the money in your child's agenda and write a note to let me know.
Thank you,
Mrs. Padovan

Spirit Day

Hello Parents,
Spirit Day is this Friday, Sep. 16th.
Students must wear their house colors.
Please check in your child's agenda for his/her house color.
KIP - Orange
ZBP - Blue
TSP - Green

Monday, September 12, 2011

What's going on?

The letter of the week is U and today students learned that U says /u/ for umbrella.
We are going continuously work with vowels throughout the school year.
As part of our unit of inquiry this week students will be working on a book titled: "All About Me".
Today we used artificial hair to finish our self portrait. Please, visit our classroom to see your child's work displayed on our bulletin board.
In the afternoon JKs wrote on their journals, attended French, Drama and Phys.Ed. classes. Students also had Hands on Math, where they were encouraged to sort objects by using simple attiribute such as size, color and shape.
Hope everyone have a great evening!
Mrs. Padovan

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Language Arts

Today JKs learned that "i says ĭ for igloo".
Our Language Arts is a phonic based program. Phonics helps students make the first, vital connection between the letters of the alphabet and the sounds they represent.

Today we also started our class journals. Everyday students will have some time of the day where they write in their journals. At the beginning of school year it is understandable that students will use scribbles or drawing to express themselves. As they start to learn the sound of letters, they will form words and words will turn into simple sentences.

In the afternoon JKs had their first music class with Mr. Moreno and French class with Mme. Stella.

Have a great evening,
Mrs. Padovan

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Essential Agreement

Today we discussed our Essential Agreement. We agreed that the following things would help us be successful in learning throughout the year:

1. To listen when others are speaking (that means that we're quiet when Mrs. Padovan is speaking).
2. To take turns talking - only one person can talk at a time.
3. To line up quietly.
4. To work hard.
5. To be kind and share.
Dear Parents,
We had a fun day today!
In the morning we started our Math unit on data management.
The unit is divided in 3 categories:
- Identify objects that are the same using one attribute (colour, size, or shape), sort and classify objects according to specific characteristics and sort using a single attribute.
- Compare information using two categories, compare information using 1:1 correspondence, use simple grids correctly, use appropriate language (more, less, the same), make a graph (e.g., people, concrete, picture).
- Use language of probability.

In the afternoon students went to Drama and French classes. After that we set up stations in our classroom, what we called "Hands on Math", where students are engaged in a variety of activities that will help them to better understand Math concepts.

Important reminders:
- If you didn't send all your child's school supplies, please do ASAP.
- Our school is a peanut free zone.
- Our class is starting lunch 10 minutes earlier than usual, as I understand they need more time to eat and focus on their eating. I always encourage students to eat their main meal first, then fruits and save the treats for the afternoon.
- Please bring your child's agenda everyday and ALWAYS check the front pocket as I put important forms in there.
Thank you for your cooperation and please do not hesitate on contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The First Day

We had a great first day of school. I am very proud of all JK students, you guys were really brave and great helpers today!
Today in class we talked a little bit about our facial features and we watched these short videos. Students really enjoyed!