Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dear Parents,
We had a fun day today!
In the morning we started our Math unit on data management.
The unit is divided in 3 categories:
- Identify objects that are the same using one attribute (colour, size, or shape), sort and classify objects according to specific characteristics and sort using a single attribute.
- Compare information using two categories, compare information using 1:1 correspondence, use simple grids correctly, use appropriate language (more, less, the same), make a graph (e.g., people, concrete, picture).
- Use language of probability.

In the afternoon students went to Drama and French classes. After that we set up stations in our classroom, what we called "Hands on Math", where students are engaged in a variety of activities that will help them to better understand Math concepts.

Important reminders:
- If you didn't send all your child's school supplies, please do ASAP.
- Our school is a peanut free zone.
- Our class is starting lunch 10 minutes earlier than usual, as I understand they need more time to eat and focus on their eating. I always encourage students to eat their main meal first, then fruits and save the treats for the afternoon.
- Please bring your child's agenda everyday and ALWAYS check the front pocket as I put important forms in there.
Thank you for your cooperation and please do not hesitate on contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

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