Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Last week we read "What I Do Best" written by Allia Zobel Nolan.
After reading I asked each student to share what they think they do best. Here are the answers:
Ethan: "I run really fast."
Mia: " I clean the garbage."
Anastasia: "I clean the carpet really well."
Alyssa: "I help Mommy to bake cupcakes."
Sai Pranav: "I clean the house."
Akshay: "I help Mommy."
Michael: "I run really fast."
Aaron: "I help Mommy clean the house."
Zachary: "I help Mommy feel better when she is sick."
Anisha: "I like to run."
Sara: "I cook frogs really well."
Jayden: "I like to paint."

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