Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Wednesday!

Today we began the day with calendar, snacks and stretching exercises with Mr.R.
After that students practiced writing numbers from 1-20 and we had reading groups.
Students also painted their egg cartoon bugs and tomorrow we will add eyes, legs, antenna and wings.
In the afternoon students attended Gym and French classes.
We also worked on patterns, students had to describe simple patterns in front of the class by using snap cubes.
To finish off our day we played musical alphabet.
Have a great evening everyone and come hungry for waffles tomorrow!!!
We watched this video in class...enjoy watching with your child.

Pretending to be caterpillars...

Today students learned how caterpillars turn into butterflies.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Dear Parents,
St. Jude's pizza day is still tomorrow.
On Friday Mr. & Mrs. Rangwala are going to provide pizza lunch in order to celebrate Ali's birthday.
Thank you,
Mrs. Padovan


Today we began the day with our calendar routine, stretching exercises and snacks.
Students then completed Language and Math worksheets.
After that we played pattern games and students helped me to create new patterns on the board by using shape magnets.
In the afternoon students attended Gym class, Music and French classes.
Students also wrote in their journals and listened to an audio story titled: "All Pigs Are Beautiful"
Have a great evening ;)

Pizza Lunch

This Friday Ali is celebrating his 4th birthday and cheese pizza will be served at lunch time.


Stay Tuned...

We have lots going on before March Break begins, please check "Important Dates" for upcoming events!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today in the morning we had our calendar routine and snacks.
After that students practiced beginning sound of letters T, R,Y,J.
Students also completed a couple of Math worksheets and we played patterning games.
After lunch students attended French class and wrote in their journals.
To finish off our day Mr. R. read a nice story and played guess the animal game.
Have a great evening!

Mrs. Padovan's Suggestion

Since the beginning of school year students have been practicing their penmanship skills on these Write On/Wipe Off cards. It is fun and students don't get bored. We also have in book format where they practice numeracy skills, patterns and shapes.
You can find these materials at Scholar's Choice or at GTA Educational Books & Toys.

W says /w/ for Waffles!!!

On Thursday students will help Mrs. Padovan to prepare some delicious waffles!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Action Pattern

To hep students understand the concept of action pattern...enjoy...

Good Afternoon!

Today we had lots of fun!

In the morning we had convocation in the Gym, students from SK-Gr.8 received their awards for their speeches presentation yesterday.

We found out that KIP is in first place! Go KIP!
When we came back in class we had our morning circle time with Mr. R. and snacks.

After that we made fingerprint bugs and used Q-tips to paint the legs.

Students practice letter sounds by listening to our phonics song and after that we played pattern games.

After lunch students completed language worksheets and attended French class.
To finish off our day students listened to an audio story and played with blocks.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Tomorrow students should bring a stuffed animal.

Good Afternoon!

Today we had a very productive day!
We spent part of the morning watching speeches presentations and I must mention that JKs behaved really well.
When students came to class we had snacks and calendar.
After that we played pattern games and completed a couple of worksheets on patterning.
After lunch students completed worksheets for the following letters: V/W/J
This week we are focusing on W. For students that are confident knowing name, sound and formation of W we do worksheets where they have to practice their listening skills by identifying words that begins with W like watch, watermelon or wagon.
Students attended Music and French classes.
After second recess we played some games and had our end of the day circle time.
Have a great evening:)

Important Dates

On March 2nd we are having a Pattern Day. As some students missed last time.
On March 8th we are hosting a Reptile Show. Please send in signed permission form and money before March 1st.
Please mark those dates on your calendars!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In today's class...

We started off our day decorating our box for the book drive.
After that we had reading groups and completed a couple of worksheets for Math and Language Arts.
Students learned more about bugs and made a booklet with different kinds of bugs.
In the afternoon students attended Gym and French classes.
To finish off our day we had different stations in class where students explored their sensory skills.
Have a great evening and just a reminder that tomorrow we have speeches.
JK students are not presenting but we will be part of the audience.


Dear Parents,

I am collecting any kind of egg cartoon from Feb. 23-28.

We will be using egg cartoon to create bugs, spiders, dragonflies or any other kind of creepy-crawlies.

Reading groups

Dear Parents,
Students have been enjoying more and more reading groups as they are getting more confident when sounding out the letters.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Reading Homework

Your child is taking home a reader. Please read 5-10 min. and encourage your child to sound out the letters.

Lost & Found

I have a St. Jude's vest in my class, please check if you are missing one.

Enjoy watching with your child...

Shrove Tuesday

Today we began our day with some house games and the big event was the pancake eating contest. Everyone participated really well and had lots of fun!
After that, students came to class and we completed a couple of phonics's worksheet where students had to look at the letter at the beginning of each row, say the name of each picture and circle the pictures which begin with the consonant sound.
Our letter for this week is W, students will learn name, sound and formation of W.
In Math students completed a worksheet where they had to circle the correct number of objects and we continue with our unit on patterns. Today students created new patterns by using blocks and snap cubes.
As part of our unit of inquiry this week we are learning about bugs. Today we watched a short story of a ladybug and students helped a busy bee find his route by counting 1-24.
To finish off our day we played a game called "Toss the Pancake". Students had to hold a frying pan, toss a bean bag and pass it on.

Congratulations KIP for wining the contest!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Good Afternoon!

Today we had a fun day!
In the morning right after calendar and snacks, students helped Mr. R. and I prepare cookies.
Everyone did a great job measuring and mixing the ingredients!
After that students learned about action patterns and sound patterns.
In the afternoon students attended Gym and Music classes.
To finish off our day we had convocation in the Gym with a house game.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we started off our day with morning circle time and snacks.
After that students completed a couple of worksheets and made an alphabet collage.
In Math students explored more about patterning by using snap cubes and counters.
They also completed pattern worksheets.
After lunch we played some games in the gym and listened to an audio story about Valentines Day.
Have a great evening everyone!
Mrs. Padovan
Today we had some visitors...the Canadian "Juice" like some students were saying :)

Alphabet Collage

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Dear Parents,
We had a great day!
Students were really excited today!
Today we began the day with a house game and when students came to our classroom we had our morning circle time and a nice story about Valentines Day.
With all the excitement going on it was challenging to have students doing sitting work, but we got through a couple of worksheets and after that we played some games and as you can see on the video below we had some dancing/singing time.
After second recess we had our party!
Thanks for the treats and cards!
Have a great evening!

What a party!

Monday, February 13, 2012

We will be having Gym on Tues. and Thurs. this week!

Good Afternoon!

What a nice day today!
The weather was great and students really enjoyed playing with snow!
Today we had our morning circle time, with our calendar routine, songs and a nice story about how Caterpillars turn into butterflies.
After that students made a collage using tissue paper and lots of glue!
In Language Arts we completed a couple of worksheets where students had to circle the pictures that end with the following consonant sounds: t/g/d/n
After that students completed a couple of Math worksheets where they had to circle the correct number of objects.
We also played some patterning games.
After lunch students listened to an audio story tittled: Curious George's Dinosaur Discovery.
Students wrote in their journals using the Picture Dictionary book.
After recess we had different centers in class and students had the opportunity to explore a variety of sensory activities.
Have a great evening :)

Math at Home

Today your child is taking home 4 pattern activities. Your support is very much appreciated!
Thank you for all the handsome boys and beautiful girls who participated at the Gala on Saturday!

You did really well on stage!

Friday, February 10, 2012

V says "v" for Vegetables!

All you need is love...

Good Afternoon!

Today we began the day with an assembly in the gym. Students played a house game and unfortunately KIP didn't win:(
When students came to our classroom we had our morning circle time and Ethan was the special helper for the day.
Today we finished our bear booklet and practice letter sounds for A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H/I/J/K/L/M/N/O/P/R/S/T/U/V
After that we had our Show & Tell, and I must say it was very successful!
Everyone enjoyed eating the vegetables!
In Math students created patterns using beads and pipe cleaner.
Students participated in reading groups and practiced our love song.
To finish off our day and because today is 100th day of school, students counted smarties 10 by 10s and had fun eating them afterwards!
Have a great evening and I'll see tomorrow at 6pm.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Good Afternoon!

We had a fun day learning about patterning!
We will have another Pattern Day on February 24!
Today reviewed vowels, finished our vowel booklet and spent some time inquiring about patterns. Students created their own patterns using counters.
We practiced our song on stage and played some games at the end of the day.
Please remember to bring in a vegetable tomorrow!
Have a great evening!

Outdoor Recess

Dear Parents,
If your child needs to stay in during outdoor recess, please write a note in his/her agenda.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Mrs. Padovan

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Please wear pattern shirt or sweater!

Good Afternoon!

Today we started off our day with morning circle time and snacks.
After that we reviewed short vowel sound and completed several worksheets.
Students attended Phys. Ed. class in the morning and when they came back to class we read a nice story of a bear tittled: "Don't Worry Douglas" by David Melling.
This week in our unit of inquiry, we are learning about bears. Today students used chocolate pudding to paint a bear. We also learned that bears eat berries, nuts and insects.
In the afternoon we played some games and practiced our song on stage! Everyone did really well today!
Have a great evening!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we had a fun day!
And I was very glad to see you all back in school!
In the morning we had our calendar routine and snacks.
After that students practiced our song on stage.
This week students are learning name, sound and formation of letter V. Today students learned a little bit more about our animal friend Vicky Vulture.
After singing our phonics song students completed a couple of worksheets and did some cutting and pasting of a vase. This week we are also focusing on vowels. Students are learning that short vowels tell their sounds like in pig, jet or sun. And long vowels tell their name like in acorn, tile or vase.
In our math unit on patterns students used different counters to create their own pattern.
In the afternoon students attended Phys. Ed., Music and French classes.
After recess we played games and had our end of the day circle time.


And to finish off our day yesterday, students were encouraged to either find the letters of their names or form simple short vowel words such as bug, pig, jet, cat or fox!
And of course eat afterwards!

V says "v" for Vegetables!

On Friday we will have a different version of Show & Tell. Students may bring a vegetable as a Show & Tell. Feel free to bring a vegetable to share with the class :)

Making patterns using lego blocks!

Monday, February 6, 2012


This Thursday, Feb.9 we are going to have a pattern day!

Students may wear a pattern shirt.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Mrs. Padovan

Good Afternoon!

Today we began our day with our morning routine and snacks.
This week students are learning about letter Vv. Today students made a vegetable collage by cutting pictures from grocery store fliers.
After that we practice formation of letter V. Our animals friend this week is Vicky Vulture.
Today we started a new unit on Math about patterning.
These are the key learning goals
for this unit:
•Recognize and copy simple patterns,including those that involve position, colour, size, and shape
• Describe a simple pattern
• Copy simple patterns using concrete materials
• Create, copy, and extend simple patterns using a variety of materials and actions
• Show the same pattern in different ways
To start off our new unit we went on a pattern walk. Students tried to find patterns around our classroom and school.
Please note that we will continue to work on numeracy skills until the end of school year.
After lunch students practiced our song on stage. Everyone did a good job!
Students attended French class and after recess we played some games in class and had our end of the day circle time.
Have a great evening everyone!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Good Morning!

Today we had 6 students absent in our class, I pray and hope that everyone will have a restful weekend and be back on Monday feeling all better!
Today we began our day with our morning routine and snacks.
After that we reviewed the letter of the week and had our Show & Tell.
Today we also reviewed long sound of I.
Students then made a craft using alphabet pasta, some students were able to form 3 letters word like CAT, DOG, PAN, JET.
After that students completed a math worksheet and played bingo game.
In the afternoon students attended French class, participated in reading groups and played games in class.
Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


We are so happy to have you in our class!

Thank you for the cookies!

Good Afternoon!

Today we began our day with our morning circle time and snacks.

After that we learned about Jellyfish and we found out some very interesting information:

- Jellyfish live in ocean all over the world.

- Jellyfish can be purple, pink, orange and other colors.

- Most jellyfish are shaped like open umbrella.

- Their bodies are smooth and squishy.

- Jellyfish do not have eyes, a brain, a heart or bones.

- A jellyfish spreads out its tentacles to search for food.

- Jellyfish eat shrimp, young crabs, lobsters and fish.

After reading a couple of books related to our subject, we talked about how salty water makes things float. To help students to understand we cracked 2 eggs, one in salty water (like the seawater) and the other one in regular tap water. The egg in the salty water floated and the one in regular water sank. We used our imagination and pretended the egg was a jellyfish, students could observe how jellyfish float in the ocean.

Students made a nice craft of a jellyfish.

In our language arts we are learning letter Kk, today students practiced our phonics song for letter K. And our animal friend is Kathy Kangaroo. Students completed a worksheet to practice formation of letter K.

After that we head out to the gym to have a Kangaroo race!

Everyone was in need of some physical activity by that point!

We came back to our classroom and had some time to play a math game, using animals counters.

After lunch and recess students participated in reading group and attended Music and French classes.

To finish off our day students wrote in their journals and played with playdough.

Have a great evening everyone!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we had another busy day!
We began the day with our morning circle time and snacks.
After that students colored a nice ocean picture and decorated with sand. Students attended Gym class.
After that everyone participated in reading groups and completed a couple of Math worksheets.
In the afternoon students wrote in their journals and attended French class.
To finish off our day we talked about one of the IB learner profiles: communicator. To help students understand this attribute we played a game where I would call a student outside of the classroom, give him/her a message the student had to find a way to communicate the message to his classmates with no words.
After that we practiced our love song for the gala.
Have a great evening!

Gala Dinner

Dear Parents,
Please have your child to wear the following for the gala:
- Girls may wear a dress.
- Boys may wear dress pants, collar shirt and tie. The tie is not mandatory, only if you already have one.
Thank you,
Mrs. Padovan