Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we had a fun day!
And I was very glad to see you all back in school!
In the morning we had our calendar routine and snacks.
After that students practiced our song on stage.
This week students are learning name, sound and formation of letter V. Today students learned a little bit more about our animal friend Vicky Vulture.
After singing our phonics song students completed a couple of worksheets and did some cutting and pasting of a vase. This week we are also focusing on vowels. Students are learning that short vowels tell their sounds like in pig, jet or sun. And long vowels tell their name like in acorn, tile or vase.
In our math unit on patterns students used different counters to create their own pattern.
In the afternoon students attended Phys. Ed., Music and French classes.
After recess we played games and had our end of the day circle time.

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