Monday, February 6, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we began our day with our morning routine and snacks.
This week students are learning about letter Vv. Today students made a vegetable collage by cutting pictures from grocery store fliers.
After that we practice formation of letter V. Our animals friend this week is Vicky Vulture.
Today we started a new unit on Math about patterning.
These are the key learning goals
for this unit:
•Recognize and copy simple patterns,including those that involve position, colour, size, and shape
• Describe a simple pattern
• Copy simple patterns using concrete materials
• Create, copy, and extend simple patterns using a variety of materials and actions
• Show the same pattern in different ways
To start off our new unit we went on a pattern walk. Students tried to find patterns around our classroom and school.
Please note that we will continue to work on numeracy skills until the end of school year.
After lunch students practiced our song on stage. Everyone did a good job!
Students attended French class and after recess we played some games in class and had our end of the day circle time.
Have a great evening everyone!

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