Friday, March 30, 2012


Help us to complete our Unit of Inquiry wall by sending in any picture of your child on or in any type of transportation!
Due on Monday, April 2nd.
Thank you for your participation!

Good Afternoon!

I can't believe today is Friday already!
The week went by so fast!
Today students began the day with our calendar routine, snacks and Show & Tell.
Yesterday Pranav brought in the book Chica Chica Boom Boom, students had a blast when I was reading the book! Thanks Pranav!
Today Anastasia brought in a Barbie laptop, students had some interesting questions and Anastasia was very kind to give us a demonstration on how to use a laptop!
After that students worked on numeracy skills and their journals.
Today we finished our Art project of a self port retrait made out of plasticine.
After lunch we read a nice story and students attended French class.
To finish off our day students had the choice of building with blocks or working with plasticine.
Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today students had a very productive day!
We began the day with our usual morning routine and snacks.
After that students completed a language worksheet where they had to say the name of each picture and circle the correct beginning blend.
After that we started our new unit on Math: Measurement
We read a story together about three little bears: Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear. Students then cut out the pictures and sorted the items according to which bear they would belong to.
I asked students why they sorted the way they did and encouraged them to use size words to describe the items in each group.
Students had a lot of fun doing that.
In our unit of inquiry we are still working on our KWL chart.
After lunch students practiced their song for the French Cafe and played with puzzles and blocks.
Have a great evening!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we start off the day with our calendar routine, Show and Tell and snacks.
Alyssa did a really good job on her Show and Tell!
After snacks we worked on some worksheets where students had to identify the pictures that ended with the sound of ck, like duck, sack and sock.
Students also completed Math worksheets and we spent some time in our reading groups.
After lunch, students attended Gym and French classes.
To finish off the day we started to work on an Art project by using plasticine to make our self portrait.
Have a great evening everyone!
*Please remember, readers are going home today. Read 5-10 min. with your child, encourage your child to sound out the letters and return the reader the next morning in the same condition you found.
Your cooperation is very much appreciated!
Mrs. Padovan

March Break Birthdays

Happy belated birthday Demiana and Pranav!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Dear Parents,
As of tomorrow, Wednesday, March 28th, Beatties will no longer be stocking St. Jude’s uniform. All St. Jude’s uniform pieces will now be available at St. Jude’s Academy.
All order requests are to be emailed to
Please contact Irene if you have any questions.
Thank you!

Good Afternoon!

Another great day of hard working! Way to go JKs!
Today we began the day with calendar and Show & Tell. Zachary did really well on his Show & Tell today.
Students worked on language worksheets and we had reading groups.
After that we started to complete our K W L chart on transportation. I was really happy with everyone's participation!
Students also worked on numeracy skills by counting and writing number of objects.
In the afternoon students attended Music and French classes.
After second recess we celebrated Pranav's birthday!
Thank you for the cake Mr. & Mrs. Majji!
Have a great evening everyone!
Mrs. Padovan

Monday, March 26, 2012

Welcome Back!

I hope you had a great time during March Break!
Students today were very excited to be back in school, I was impressed with the effort everyone put on their work!
We began the day sharing what kinds of activities students participated during March Break.
After that we had our calendar routine and discussed differences between Winter and Spring.
Students had washroom break and snacks.
In Language Arts we continue to work on letter sounds and specially long vowel sounds.
Today students completed a language worksheet and spent some time writing in their journals.
After that we sang our phonics song.
Today we also started a new unit of inquiry on transportation. We discussed what types of transportation we use in our daily lives and sorted out lots of transportation pictures into 3 categories: sea, land and air.
Students then drew their favourite transportation.
After lunch students attended Gym and French classes.
To finish off our day we had 3 choices of centers in class: manipulatives, blocks and puzzles.
Have a great evening everyone!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today students were really excited!!!
We began our day with calendar, story time, stretching exercises and snack.
After that we practiced sound and formation of letter P and brainstormed words that begin and end with P.
Students participated in reading groups and we jumped into our Math unit. Today students colored and cut snakes after that we worked collaboratively in order to make a pattern on the white board using all the snakes.
Students also completed Math worksheets where they had to count the right amount of objects and circle the correspondent number.
In the morning we also had our Show & Tell and this week again we had some interesting items, like potato, pineapple and piano.
In the afternoon we watched Bugs Life movie and with that we had celery, pineapple and popcorn.
Thanks to Alyssa (for the celery) and Zachary (for the pineapple)!
Students attended French class and to finish off our day we played musical chairs and the Chicken Dance!
Have a great March Break everyone!

Animal Project

Sara, Anisha and Jayden

Demiana and Aaron

Alyssa, Michael and Samaira

Pranav, Mia and Anastasia

Akshay, Ethan and Zachary

Congratulations students (and parents;) for your effort!

Everyone did a great job!

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Remember that tomorrow is Show & Tell for letter P. Everyone is participating!

Good Afternoon!

Today students had a fun day!
We started off the day with our calendar routine and snacks. Students worked on a Language worksheet and head out to the Reptile Show. In the afternoon we talked and discussed what students most liked about the show. We also had reading groups and after that students had a choice of playing with blocks or making a reptile craft.
Have a great evening everyone!

Reptile Show

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Today to start off our day we had a house game in the auditorium. Students came back in class and we had our calendar routine, story time and snacks. After that we completed a couple of Math worksheets on numeracy skills and students made a pattern using clover pictures. Students enjoyed outdoor recess, attended Gym and French classes. To finish off our day we read a story of St. Patrick and played games in class.
Have a great evening!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Penny, Penny Penguin

We played duck, duck, goose in class. But instead of saying duck and goose we used Penny and penguin! Students enjoyed a lot!

Good Afternoon!

Today we began our day with calendar, story time and snacks.
After that students worked on a couple of worksheets in order to practice letter P, students had to identify and color the pictures that begin with P. We also glue yummy popcorn on a letter P and of course ate some of it!
We also spent some time working on and talking about patterns!
After lunch we read a story and students participated in reading groups.
Today we had our presentations for our Favorite Animal project. Everyone did a really good job!
We will have more presentations tomorrow!
Have a great evening!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Hello Parents!
Today we had a very busy day!
We began the day with songs, calendar and snacks. Students were introduced to our new animal friend Penny Penguin! We practiced name, sound and formation of letter P.
After that students completed Math worksheets and practiced counting 1-30 by using animal pet counters.
We also had our Art class today. Students worked on a Puddle Art, come and check it out in our class all their beautiful art work!
In the afternoon students attended Gym class and French class.
After last recess students played Math games and wrote in their journals.
To finish off our day we read a book titled: Sports Day.
Have a great evening everyone!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Yeahh Ali!!!!

Happy Birthday Ali!

We are so glad you joined our class!

Thanks for the pizza, cake and juice. Everyone enjoyed a lot!

Happy Pattern Day!

Today we began our day with calendar and snacks. Students created their own pattern t-shirt,
completed worksheets for letter Y and right after that we had our Show & Tell. Our Show & Tell today was very interesting, we had an egg yolk, a yellow Lego, yo-yo, yellow stuffed animal and yogurt to share with everyone (thank you Demiana!).

In the afternoon students attended French class and we played games.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Good Afternoon!

We started off our day with calendar and snacks.
After that students completed language worksheets for letters W and Y.
In Math we continue working on patterns. Today students had different kinds of materials and were asked to make different kinds of patterns by color, shape, size, and position.
Students participated in reading groups and after lunch attended Music and French classes.
Finally, the part of the day that everyone was anxiously waiting for...waffles!!!
Thank you JKs for helping preparing the waffles!
Enjoy the pictures parents and have a great evening...

Letter Y