Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we start off the day with our calendar routine, Show and Tell and snacks.
Alyssa did a really good job on her Show and Tell!
After snacks we worked on some worksheets where students had to identify the pictures that ended with the sound of ck, like duck, sack and sock.
Students also completed Math worksheets and we spent some time in our reading groups.
After lunch, students attended Gym and French classes.
To finish off the day we started to work on an Art project by using plasticine to make our self portrait.
Have a great evening everyone!
*Please remember, readers are going home today. Read 5-10 min. with your child, encourage your child to sound out the letters and return the reader the next morning in the same condition you found.
Your cooperation is very much appreciated!
Mrs. Padovan

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