Monday, March 26, 2012

Welcome Back!

I hope you had a great time during March Break!
Students today were very excited to be back in school, I was impressed with the effort everyone put on their work!
We began the day sharing what kinds of activities students participated during March Break.
After that we had our calendar routine and discussed differences between Winter and Spring.
Students had washroom break and snacks.
In Language Arts we continue to work on letter sounds and specially long vowel sounds.
Today students completed a language worksheet and spent some time writing in their journals.
After that we sang our phonics song.
Today we also started a new unit of inquiry on transportation. We discussed what types of transportation we use in our daily lives and sorted out lots of transportation pictures into 3 categories: sea, land and air.
Students then drew their favourite transportation.
After lunch students attended Gym and French classes.
To finish off our day we had 3 choices of centers in class: manipulatives, blocks and puzzles.
Have a great evening everyone!

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