Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Dear parents, please note that in the next 3 weeks students will have gym on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Please send your child in full Gym uniform on these days.
Thank you,
Mrs. Padovan

Good Afternoon!

What a nice day today!

We began our day with our morning circle time and snacks.

After that we spent some time reviewing vowels and from now on students will be learning long vowel sounds in words like: acorn, eagle, ice cream, oatmeal, uniform.

Students participated in reading groups and in silent reading, as you can see in the pictures.

In our Math unit students practiced counting and tracing numbers.

In our unit of inquiry we saw pictures of ocean creatures and read the book "When Fish Are Mean" by Lisa Galjanic.

In the afternoon students attended Music and French classes.

To finish off our day we played a game called "What's missing?"

Have a great evening!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Good Afternoon!

This week we are learning name, sound and formation of letter Kk.
We continue with our unit on Math on number sense.
This week for our unit of inquiry students are going to learn about ocean animals.
Today we made a fish craft and read a book with lots of ocean pictures.
Have a great evening everyone!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today after our morning circle time and snacks, students helped to prepare Jello and we made a nice craft of a lion.

Students completed a couple of worksheets and we had our Show & Tell.

In the afternoon we listened to an audio story and played with play dough.

After attending French class, students explored a variety of sensory activities.

To finish off our day we watched a short video about jaguars.

Have an awesome weekend everyone!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we started off our day with our morning circle time and snack.
Students then completed a couple of worksheets and practice writing number 10.
Students played a couple of counting games and we finished our booklet about safari animals.
In the afternoon students made letter shapes using play dough.
After that everyone did a great job cleaning up the classroom and students attended Music and French classes.
To finish off our day we wrote in the journals and had our end of the day circle time, where we played the mystery bag. Students had to pick up an object from the bag and tell the class what letter the object begin with.
Have a great evening everyone!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

In today's class...

We spent part of our morning catching up on unfinished work. Students attended Gym class.
After that students played a math game and we practiced counting.
We listened to an audio story and started a booklet about safari animals.
In the afternoon students attended French class, wrote in their journals and played musical letters.
Have a great evening!


Please check the new schedule!

Casual Day

Just a reminder that casual day is tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Good Afternoon!

What a busy day!
Today we started off our day with our calendar routine, Mr. R. read a nice story about kindness and students had their snacks.
In language arts students practiced formation of letter J and completed a worksheet where they had to match pictures to the letter with which it begins. After that we sang our phonics song and had readiang groups.
In math students estimated and counted to identify sets with more, fewer or the same
number of objects.

In our unity of inquiry we watched a short video about safari animals, after that we had our circle time discussions. I asked students what they know about safari animals, you can read the answers in the picture above.

Students had lunch and went for outdoor recess.

In the afternoon I set up different stations in the classroom in order for students explore a variety of sensory activities.

After that students attended Music and French classes.

To finish off our day we practiced our love song for the gala dinner. I must say...we have good singers in our class!

I wish everyone a great evening and a peaceful night of sleep!

Mrs. Padovan

Monday, January 23, 2012

Good Afternoon!

This week students are learning name, sound and formation of letter J.
Our animal friend is Jenny Jaguar.
Students completed worksheets and we had our reading groups.
In our Math unit we talked about how ordinal numbers indicate sequence or position.
In our Unity of Inquiry students will be learning about safari animals.
Students were a little tired today, hopefully everyone will have a good night of sleep!
Mrs. Padovan

Friday, January 20, 2012

Water Bottles

I have a couple of water bottles in my class, sorry about that!
I'll wash them and your child can have it back on Monday.
Mrs. Padovan

Good Afternoon!

Today we started our day with some house games and I am glad to announce that KIP is in first place!

When students came in class we had our morning circle time, snacks and journal writing.

After that students played with some Math games and completed a language worksheet.

Today we had our Show & Tell, I must say, students did really well!

It is nice to see the progress of each student at his/her own pace.

In the afternoon we practice our song for the gala dinner (tickets went home today).

To finish off our day we prepared a delicious fruit salad, students helped me by cutting the fruits. I always like to involve food in their learning, as food is part of our everyday lives and we can relate to so many aspects of learning. Today while they were cutting the fruits I instructed students to cut the grapes in half, strawberries and bananas in quarters. Another skill practiced was following instruction, as students had to follow the recipe step by step.

I wish everyone a great weekend!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gym Sweater

Please check if you have your child's gym sweater at home. I have one in my class, not labeled.
Please remember to label all your child's belongings.
Today we had our morning circle time, snacks and our phonics song.
After that students practiced 1:1 correspondence by using fish cracker snacks.
Learning and understanding the one-to-one correspondence of object to object is necessary before students can carry out meaningful counting and higher calculations.
In our unit of inquiry we learned about sheep and what are the basic needs of a sheep.
Students completed a couple of worksheets and wrote in their journals.
In the afternoon students attended French and Music classes and we practiced our song for the gala dinner coming up on February 11th.
To finish off our day we played a game called musical letters, where students had to go around the circle and when the song paused they had to find a seat with a letter on it. In order to play the next round students had to name and make the sound of the letter. Of course Mrs. Padovan and Mr. R. helped those who had a little difficult.
Have a great evening everyone!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we had a fun day!
We started our day with our calendar routine and nice story read by Mr. R. After that, students had their snacks and practiced their fine motor skills by cutting pictures of farm animals along on the lines.
Students attended Phys. Ed. in the morning and when they returned to class we sang our animals friend song for letter F. Students then made a Fox craft to help them to remember that F says "fff" for Fox.
In our math unit we are still working on our number book where students are learning to represent numbers in different ways.
For our unit of inquiry we are working on a farm booklet.
To finish our day students played with playdough and participated in our end of the day circle time.
Have a great evening!
Mrs. Padovan

Language Arts

JKs have been busy in the last couple of weeks learning name sound and formation for letters R and F. Please, feel free to practice with your child at home as well!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Yummy Fingers!

I am pretty sure JK students are going home today talking about chocolate pudding!
Yes, Mrs. Padovan let them lick their fingers after they were done with their art. I usually support and encourage healthy eating, but today was an exception. I'll compensate on Friday by preparing a delicious and nutritious Fruit salad with students help!
In the morning students work on a craft where they made a pretend fire using tissue paper and construction paper.
After that they completed a tracing worksheet and had our reading groups.
For our Math unit students have been exploring a variety of physical representations of numbers.
In our Unit of Inquiry we talked more about farm animals and we gather information on what students already know about these animals.
Students wrote in their journals and attended Music and French classes.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Dear Parents,

This week students are going to learn name, sound and formation for letter F.

Today they were introduced to our new animal friend Freddy Fish.

Students completed a couple of worksheets and decorated a fish.

Students also colored and cut a booklet about letter F.
After that we played a Math game and worked on our number book.

In our unit of inquiry we are learning about farm animals this week.

In the afternoon, students attended Phys. Ed. and French classes.

Have a great evening!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today students were so excited!!!
Snow is finally here!
Please send in your child's snowpants. If your child doesn't have snowpants in school I'll keep him/her in my class.
Today we watched a video about animals and had fun in our Art class!
Students participated in reading groups and worked on printing letter R.
We played some Math games in the afternoon and students attended French class.
Have a great weekend and enjoy the snow!
Mrs. Padovan

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we had another busy day!
After our morning circle time and snack we played a matching game, where students had to match lower case and upper case letters. We then spent some time practicing sound of letters H/R/C. Students completed a couple of worksheets and participated in our reading groups.
For Math we completed a cute caterpillar 1-10. Everyday we will add a number to our caterpillar.
After that we wrote in the journals by using the Alphabet Center.
In the afternoon students attended Music and French classes.
To finish our day we practiced our song for February the 11th and played with blocks.
Have a great evening!

Letter R

Today we watched this video in class. Enjoy watching with your child at home!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we started the day with our morning circle time and a nice craft using uncooked rice, just to help students to remember the sound of R.
After that students had Phys. Ed.
When they came back, we talked a little bit more about frogs and sang some frog songs.
In the afternoon students practiced writing letter R and we played a game called the "Mystery Bag" to help us to identify words that begin with R.
To finish our day students wrote in their journals and we played "Musical Letters".
Please note, there is Parent Guild meeting today at 7pm.
Have a great evening!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Gala Evening!

Please mark on your calendars!
FEBRUARY 11th!!!
Our class will be performing on stage!

Dear Parents,

Today our day was very productive!
We had our morning circle time with Mr. R. after that we work on a snowflake matching activity.
For Language Arts we are continuing practicing name, sound and formation for letter R. After completing some worksheets, students were introduced to our "Alphabet Center". Students will be using the Alphabet Center to assist them on Journal Writing.
For Math students matched objects using 1:1 correspondence and we started to work on a number book, where students are exploring a variety of physical representations of numbers.
In the afternoon students attended Music and French classes.
To finish our day we played a Bingo game.
Have a great evening everyone!

Monday, January 9, 2012


Dear Parents,
I am missing a pair of snowpants. Please check if you have an extra one at home.

Happy Monday!

Today we started our day with our circle time routine, Mr. R. read a very nice story and we jumped to language arts.
This week students are learning name, sound and formation for letter R and our animal friend is Rusty Rooster. Students learned that R says "rrrr" for Rainbow and to help them to remember that we glued strips of colorful paper on letter R.
After that students traced letter R and identified words that begins with R, such as rug, ring, roller skate, ruler and roller coaster.
We also played a game called Roller Coaster, students really enjoyed!
For our unit of inquiry we finished decorating our frogs.
In Math students classified and counted the number of objects in a set by using pet counters.
In the afternoon students attended Phys. Ed. and French classes.
To finish our day students wrote in their Journals and played a variety of sensory games.
Have a great evening everyone!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we started our day with our calendar routine and a nice story read by Mr. R.
After that students exercised their fine motor skills by gluing dots on letter D.
We then practiced phonics for letters S/T/U and had our reading groups.
Students enjoyed challenging themselves on a "Frog Race". I must say, we have pretty good hoppers in our class!
In the afternoon we painted a frog and played games.
Have a great weekend everyone!

Frogs Everywhere!!!

D says /d/ for dots!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Yeahh Michael!

Happy Birthday Michael!

Thanks for the cupcakes!

Good Afternoon!

Today we had a busy day!
After our morning circle time and snack, we spent some time on phonics. We reviewed the sounds for the following letters: A/B/D/E/G/H/I/L/M/N/O
Students also practiced formation of letter D. We then had our reading groups.
For Math we went on a number walk around the classroom. After that we shared and wrote on a chart all the places that we could find numbers.
In our unity of inquiry we are learning about Amphibians this week. Today we learned about the life cycle of a frog. We saw different colors of frogs and sang a couple of frogs songs.
At the end of the day we celebrated Michael's birthday and played a variety of sensory games.
Have a great evening everyone!

Change on Show & Tell

Dear Parents,
In order to have an effective and enjoyable Show & Tell, I am making a schedule.
Please refer to "Important Dates" section to find your child's name/date.
And please keep in mind that I'll evaluating them on the following:
- Eyes are on the speaker.
- Asks relevant questions (stays on topic).
- Shows active listening (whole body).

- Gives three complete statements about show or tell.
- Uses a loud, clear voice.
- Uses appropriate eye contact.

Thank you,
Mrs. Padovan

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Back to normal!

School will be open tomorrow!


Dear Parents,
In order to encourage students to have positive behavior in school, we have in our class a stamp chart. Every morning students start the day getting the first stamp on their chart, at lunch time they may get a second stamp and at the end of the day they may get the last stamp. In total students may get 3 stamps a day. Once student complete their stamp chart, he/she may chose a prize!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Welcome to our class Mr. R!

Dear Parents,

I am pleased to announce that Mr. R. is working in our class as Teacher Assistant.

He did really well in his first day! Students enjoyed a lot!

New Friends!

Welcome to our class Ali and Samaira!

Good Afternoon!

Wecome back parents and students!
I am glad to hear that everyone had a nice break!
Today we started off our day with our calendar routine, songs, snack time and reading groups.
The letter for this week is D and our animal friend is Dexter Donkey, students will be learning name, sound and formation for letter D.
In Math we are starting a new unit on Numbers and Applications. We will be focusing on the following:
• Recognize and write numbers to 10
• Explore a variety of ways to represent numbers
• Demonstrate an awareness of addition and subtraction in everyday activities
• Sort, classify, and count the number of objects in a set
• Estimate, count, and compare sets
• Count orally to 30
For our Unit of Inquiry we starting a new transdisciplinary theme titled: Sharing the Planet.
Our central idea is: "We must respect and care for animals in our environment"
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.