Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Wecome back parents and students!
I am glad to hear that everyone had a nice break!
Today we started off our day with our calendar routine, songs, snack time and reading groups.
The letter for this week is D and our animal friend is Dexter Donkey, students will be learning name, sound and formation for letter D.
In Math we are starting a new unit on Numbers and Applications. We will be focusing on the following:
• Recognize and write numbers to 10
• Explore a variety of ways to represent numbers
• Demonstrate an awareness of addition and subtraction in everyday activities
• Sort, classify, and count the number of objects in a set
• Estimate, count, and compare sets
• Count orally to 30
For our Unit of Inquiry we starting a new transdisciplinary theme titled: Sharing the Planet.
Our central idea is: "We must respect and care for animals in our environment"
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

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