Friday, January 20, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we started our day with some house games and I am glad to announce that KIP is in first place!

When students came in class we had our morning circle time, snacks and journal writing.

After that students played with some Math games and completed a language worksheet.

Today we had our Show & Tell, I must say, students did really well!

It is nice to see the progress of each student at his/her own pace.

In the afternoon we practice our song for the gala dinner (tickets went home today).

To finish off our day we prepared a delicious fruit salad, students helped me by cutting the fruits. I always like to involve food in their learning, as food is part of our everyday lives and we can relate to so many aspects of learning. Today while they were cutting the fruits I instructed students to cut the grapes in half, strawberries and bananas in quarters. Another skill practiced was following instruction, as students had to follow the recipe step by step.

I wish everyone a great weekend!

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