Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Good Afternoon!

What a busy day!
Today we started off our day with our calendar routine, Mr. R. read a nice story about kindness and students had their snacks.
In language arts students practiced formation of letter J and completed a worksheet where they had to match pictures to the letter with which it begins. After that we sang our phonics song and had readiang groups.
In math students estimated and counted to identify sets with more, fewer or the same
number of objects.

In our unity of inquiry we watched a short video about safari animals, after that we had our circle time discussions. I asked students what they know about safari animals, you can read the answers in the picture above.

Students had lunch and went for outdoor recess.

In the afternoon I set up different stations in the classroom in order for students explore a variety of sensory activities.

After that students attended Music and French classes.

To finish off our day we practiced our love song for the gala dinner. I must say...we have good singers in our class!

I wish everyone a great evening and a peaceful night of sleep!

Mrs. Padovan

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