Thursday, May 31, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we began the day with calendar routine, story time, show and tell and healthy snacks.
Next students practiced ling vowel sound and completed a worksheet where they had to look at the letter at the beginning of each row, say the name of each picture and circle the pictures in which they could hear the long sound of the vowel. Some students were able to do it while others needed more instructions.
After that students completed a Math worksheet where they had to circle the correct number of objects.
Next students had some time to create stamp patterns and right after that they created their own school bus, by coloring and cutting along on the lines.
We also played stop sign game and had lunch.
After lunch students wrote in their journals, attended French and Music classes.
To finish off the day students had the choice of writing on dry erase boards/books or manipulating sorting sets.
Have a great evening everyone!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we began the day with calendar, story time, healthy snacks and show and tell.
Next students completed an activity where they had to read the word and draw a line to the correct picture.
After that students completed a Math worksheet where they counted the objects and circled the correct number.
Today students made a craft about the seashore using sand and seashore pictures.
After lunch they attended Gym and French classes and wrote in their journals.
To finish off the day we practiced our song for Arts Night and students had the choice of playing with plasticine or blocks.
Have a great evening! 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Good Afternoon!

We began the day with calendar, story time, show and tell and healthy snacks.
Next students practiced their numeracy skills by counting the objects and circling the correct number.
Students also practiced writing one vowel word and completed an activity where they had to match words beginning with same sound.
After that students wrote in their journals and had lunch.
After lunch students attended Music and French classes.
To finish off the day we played alphabet bingo and rehearsed our song for Arts Night.
Have a great evening!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we began the day with calendar, story time and healthy snacks!
In Language Arts we practiced reading one vowel words and on the same worksheet students had to count the objects and circle the number that came next.
Next we played a game where they practiced spelling one vowel words and I must say that we have some strong spellers in our class! Way to go JKs!
In Math we reviewed patterns and students completed a worksheet where they had to complete the pattern shapes by cutting and pasting the right picture.
After lunch students attended Gym and French classes, wrote in their journals and had silent reading.
To finish off the day Mr. R. read a nice story and students had the choice of manipulating sorting sets or blocks.
Have a great evening!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Track and field pics...

Good Afternoon!

What a nice and warm day for the Track and Field event!
We started our day with our morning routine and show and tell.
Next students worked on a snake pattern, each table had a giant snake to draw patterns on it.
Some students had to finish the rainbow collage (from yesterday).
After that student wrote in their agendas and had lunch.
After lunch we head to the park.
Everyone did really well on Track and Field!
Unfortunately I was not able to take many pictures, the battery died :(
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 24, 2012



* Please apply sunscreen before coming to school.
* Bring in a hat and water.
* Wear Gym uniform
* Gr. 7-8 will be selling freezes for 50 cents each.

Good Afternoon!

Today we began the day with calendar, story time, show and tell and healthy snacks.
Sophia was the special helper today!
Next students completed a worksheet where they had to say the name of the picture and draw a circle around the correct word. Students also completed a worksheet where they practiced reading the following blends: bu, hu, ra, so, ba, se.
After that students worked on a rainbow collage. Students who didn't finish today will be finishing tomorrow morning.
After lunch students wrote in their journals and attended French and Music classes.
To finish off the day, students created 3D shapes using marshmallow and toothpicks.
Have a great evening everyone!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we began the day with calendar routine, story time and healthy snacks. Please check the new schedule for Show & Tell on the left side bar.
Next students completed a Language Arts worksheet where they had to say the name of each picture and draw a circle around the correct word. After that students worked on beginning sounds for the following consonants: b, c, t, d, p, m, f, g.
Next students practiced their numeracy skills by counting the objects and circling the correct number.
After lunch, students wrote in their journals and attended Music and French classes.
To finish off the day we practiced our song for Arts Night and played bingo shapes.
Have a great evening everyone!


-          Tomorrow is Science Fair Day. JK students worked on a project titled: “Sink or Float”. Feel free to stop by between 2-3pm to take a look at our project.
-          This Friday is Track and Field Day. Students will be walking to the park nearby (weather permitting) and will be participating in activities of running, jumping and throwing.  If you wish to volunteer, we will be leaving school at 12noon and returning at 3pm. Your co-operation is very much appreciated!
-          JK students will be participating in a Spelling Bee Contest at school on June 12th. I am sending home the word list with sentences, so students can practice.  Please encourage your child to sound the words out, letter by letter. On June 4th, we will be having the pre-elimination in our class in order to choose the 3 best spellers to compete on June 12th.    
-          No homework readers for the remaining of this school year. Please focus on practicing the Spelling Bee word list.
-          Please return your Zoo Field Trip permission form and money by Friday, May 25th.   

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Having fun...

Good Afternoon!

Dear Parents,
Today we had a fun day!
We began the day with calendar routine, story time, show and tell and healthy snacks.
Anastasia brought in some of her favourite toys!
Next students completed a Math worksheet where they had to count the right amount of objects and write it down the number.
After that we did our science experiment for the Science Fair!
Students had a lot of fun predicting and inquiring!
Make sure to stop by next Wed. between 2-3pm to see our work.
After lunch students played Alphabet Bingo and today Dolapo was the winner!
Students also attended Music and French classes.
To finish off the day students made edible traffic lights using graham crackers, smarties and chocolate icing!
Enjoy the long weekend and the nice weather =)
Mrs. Padovan

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we began the day with calendar, story time, show and tell and healthy snacks.
Sophie was so excited to be the special helper today!
Next students practiced sounding out the following words: bib, gas, dog, cat, ham, pin.
After that students completed a worksheet where they had to look at the picture and circle the letter they could hear at the beginning of each word.
In our Math unit students were encouraged to find pictures in magazines that reminded them of shapes.Next they had to cut out the pictures, paste and write it down how many corners the shape has.
In the afternoon students wrote in their journals and attended Gym and French classes.
When they came back from recess we read a nice book on good manners in restaurants, ask your child about that. We had a very interesting conversation on that!
To finish off the day students had the choice of manipulating sorting sets or blocks.
Have a great evening!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Shapes, shapes everywhere!

Sunny Day!

Students began the day with calendar, story time, show and tell and healthy snack.
Zachary brought in a soccer ball, the boys really enjoyed Zachary's show and tell as they played soccer during outdoor recess.
Next students completed two Language worksheets. First one they had to look at the picture and circle the letter that they could hear at the beginning of each word.
The second worksheet students had to circle the vowels that they could hear in words like cup, top, egg, candle, pig and lamb.
In Math students completed a worksheet where they had to count and circle the correct number.
In our unit on Geometry we had so much fun making pictures using different sizes of squares, triangles, rectangles and circles. Enjoy the pictures :)
After lunch students wrote in their agendas, attended Music and French classes.
To finish off the day students practiced their penmanship skills in a fun way using dry erase books and mini boards.
Have a great evening everyone!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we began the day with calendar, story time, show and tell and healthy snacks.
Today we had two show and tell presentations: Akshay and Dolapo.
Next students completed a worksheet where they had to look at the picture and circle the letter at the beginning of each word.
After that we practiced our animal phonics song and students completed a worksheet on numeracy skills, where they had to count the objects and circle the correct number.
After lunch students read a story with Mr. R., wrote the words of the week in their agendas and attended French and Gym classes.
After second recess we practiced our song for Arts Night and students had the choice of manipulating puzzles, lego or sortingg sets.
Have a great evening!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Enjoy the ride...

Good Afternoon!

Today we started off the day with calendar, story time, healthy snacks and show and tell.
Next students reviewed long sound of a and e. They also practiced writing sail, see, d, c, g, s, o, T.
After that students made a craft of a bus driver hat and we played "Bus Ride" where each student got a ticket with a seat number and they had to match the number in order to find their seats.
Next we started our Science Fair project. This year we will be presenting a project titled: "Spread the soap, not the germs!"
After lunch students wrote in their journals and attended French and Music classes.
To finish off the day, we practiced a song for Arts Night and students had the choice of manipulating sorting sets, puzzles or blocks.
Have a great evening!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Good Afternoon!

Today we began the day with calendar routine, story time, show and tell and healthy snacks.
Ali brought in a book and read it in class.
Next students reviewed long sound of u in the word mule and they also practiced formation of mu, mule, Uu.
After that students wrote a nice surprise for Mother's Day.
In our Math unit students made 2-D shapes using a geoboard. Enjoy the pictures!
Next students cut out pictures of shapes (square, triangle, rectangle and circle), sorted them out and pasted on a worksheet.
After lunch students wrote a note in their agendas and attended French class. Mr. Browning was away today (Otawa trip).
After second recess we made vanilla ice cream, to have fun and help students to remember long sound of i!
Have a great evening everyone!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we began the day with calendar, story time, show and tell and healthy snacks.
Demiana did really well in her show and tell, she brought in a stuffed animal.
In Language Arts students reviewed long sound of o and practiced writing the following: co, coat, Oo.
Next students completed two more language worksheets, one of them they had to look at the picture and circle the letter that they hear at the beginning of the word. The other one they had to look at the picture and circle the the vowel that they hear in the word.
After that students created their own paper bag puppet by using different kinds shapes.
In our Unit of Inquiry we looked into different kinds of sign roads and completed a match worksheet.
In the afternoon, students attended French class, wrote in their journals and had the choice of manipulating puzzles, lego or math counters.
Have a great evening everyone!
Mrs. Padovan

Monday, May 7, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Happy Monday!
Today we started our day off with calendar, story time, Show and Tell and healthy snacks.
Aaron brought in a shirt from Jamaica and his favourite toy.
Next we reviewed long vowel sound of i and practiced formation of bi, bike, Ii. Students also completed a worksheet where they had to say the name of each picture and draw a circle around the correct word. We have been practicing one vowel word everyday (sound and formation). Today half of the class participated in reading groups (the other half will participate tomorrow) and the words to sound it out were: bib, pan, den, lad, bit.
After our Language Arts, students received a shape worksheet and on the sheet they had 8 different shapes. For this activity they were required to chose one shape that reminded them of something that they like, it could be an object, food or something from nature.
Here are some examples of the shapes they chose and what reminded them of:
Circle: pizza, ball, bicycle wheel, moon
Triangle: pizza slice, house
Diamond: stars
Rectangle: sidewalk and chocolate bar
After lunch students attended Gym and French classes, wrote in their journals and wrote the words of the week in their agendas.
To finish off the day students manipulated math counters and sorting sets.
Have a great evening everyone!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

End of the day activities...

French Cafe

-       The event begins at 12noon and is expected to run until approx. 2:30pm.
-       JK students are requested to dress as PUPPETS by using shorts with suspenders and a collar shirt with long sleeves that is buttoned up to the top.
-       Please have your child arrive in their full costume in the morning. We will not be changing in class and students will remain in their costume all day.
Please, contact me if you have any questions :)

Good Afternoon!

Today we began the day with calendar, story time, show and tell and healthy snacks.
Ethan was the special helper today and he brought in a nice picture of his favorite uncle.
Next we practiced long and short sound of e. Students helped me think of words that you can hear the long and short sound. After that students practiced formation of se, seal and Ee.
Next we participated in the French Cafe rehearsal. JKs behaved really well as an audience! Way to go!
When students came back in class we talked about lower and upper case letters. Students practiced writing their names using only upper case for the first letter and lower case for the remaining letters. After lunch we had story time and students started to complete an activity on airplanes, we had an interesting discussion in class as to why do we need to take an airplane to go to places instead of taking other types of transportation.
After that students rehearsed one more time on stage and they sang really nice! Hope tomorrow they will remember to sing loud!
After second recess students wrote in their journals and to finish off the day Mr. R. read a story and students had the choice of putting puzzles together or playing with sorting sets.
Hope everyone have a good night of sleep and I'll see you tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Today we began the day with our usual routine: calendar, story time, healthy snacks, Show and Tell.
Today Sara brought in her favorite toy to show everyone: a toy keyboard.
After that students went on stage to practice for the French Cafe and everyone did really well today!
When students came back in class we practiced short and long vowel sound of a. Students also practiced formation of ga, gate, Aa. Next students completed 2 Math worksheets for number 15, where they had math counters to help them understand quantity, they also practiced 1:1 correspondence and formation of number 15. In our Unit of Inquiry we talked about construction vehicle and after exchanging information in our circle time, we completed a matching activity.
After lunch, students rehearsed for the French Cafe and when they came back in class we had story time.
Next students completed an activity involving a star shape, where they had to finish drawing the star, color and decorate.
After a nice picnic outside JKs came back in class and we played shape bingo.
To finish off the day we enjoyed some cookies that Demiana brought for everyone and practice our song for Arts Night.
Have a great evening everyone:)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Today students started off the day with calendar routine, story time and Show and Tell.
Michael did really well in his Show and Tell today!
Next students had their healthy snacks :)
After that students practiced short sound of i in the word zip and they also practiced formation of zi, zip and Zz.
Then students went in the Gym to participated in the dress rehearsal for the French Cafe. JKs did really well on stage, they just need to sing louder and they will be ready to go!
After lunch students had another rehearsal. We came back in class and students wrote the words of the week in their agendas and had some time to either play with lego blocks or puzzles. After recess students read a story with Mr. R. and practiced their song for Arts Night.
To finish off the day we played alphabet bingo.
I hope all the students have a great night of sleep and come tomorrow with lots of energy to sing louder on stage!
Have a wonderful evening!
Mrs. Padovan

Enjoy watching...

Click here to watch our Hokey Pokey dance!