Thursday, May 3, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we began the day with calendar, story time, show and tell and healthy snacks.
Ethan was the special helper today and he brought in a nice picture of his favorite uncle.
Next we practiced long and short sound of e. Students helped me think of words that you can hear the long and short sound. After that students practiced formation of se, seal and Ee.
Next we participated in the French Cafe rehearsal. JKs behaved really well as an audience! Way to go!
When students came back in class we talked about lower and upper case letters. Students practiced writing their names using only upper case for the first letter and lower case for the remaining letters. After lunch we had story time and students started to complete an activity on airplanes, we had an interesting discussion in class as to why do we need to take an airplane to go to places instead of taking other types of transportation.
After that students rehearsed one more time on stage and they sang really nice! Hope tomorrow they will remember to sing loud!
After second recess students wrote in their journals and to finish off the day Mr. R. read a story and students had the choice of putting puzzles together or playing with sorting sets.
Hope everyone have a good night of sleep and I'll see you tomorrow!

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