Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we began the day with calendar, story time, show and tell and healthy snacks.
Sophie was so excited to be the special helper today!
Next students practiced sounding out the following words: bib, gas, dog, cat, ham, pin.
After that students completed a worksheet where they had to look at the picture and circle the letter they could hear at the beginning of each word.
In our Math unit students were encouraged to find pictures in magazines that reminded them of shapes.Next they had to cut out the pictures, paste and write it down how many corners the shape has.
In the afternoon students wrote in their journals and attended Gym and French classes.
When they came back from recess we read a nice book on good manners in restaurants, ask your child about that. We had a very interesting conversation on that!
To finish off the day students had the choice of manipulating sorting sets or blocks.
Have a great evening!

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