Thursday, May 17, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Dear Parents,
Today we had a fun day!
We began the day with calendar routine, story time, show and tell and healthy snacks.
Anastasia brought in some of her favourite toys!
Next students completed a Math worksheet where they had to count the right amount of objects and write it down the number.
After that we did our science experiment for the Science Fair!
Students had a lot of fun predicting and inquiring!
Make sure to stop by next Wed. between 2-3pm to see our work.
After lunch students played Alphabet Bingo and today Dolapo was the winner!
Students also attended Music and French classes.
To finish off the day students made edible traffic lights using graham crackers, smarties and chocolate icing!
Enjoy the long weekend and the nice weather =)
Mrs. Padovan

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