Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Today students started off the day with calendar routine, story time and Show and Tell.
Michael did really well in his Show and Tell today!
Next students had their healthy snacks :)
After that students practiced short sound of i in the word zip and they also practiced formation of zi, zip and Zz.
Then students went in the Gym to participated in the dress rehearsal for the French Cafe. JKs did really well on stage, they just need to sing louder and they will be ready to go!
After lunch students had another rehearsal. We came back in class and students wrote the words of the week in their agendas and had some time to either play with lego blocks or puzzles. After recess students read a story with Mr. R. and practiced their song for Arts Night.
To finish off the day we played alphabet bingo.
I hope all the students have a great night of sleep and come tomorrow with lots of energy to sing louder on stage!
Have a wonderful evening!
Mrs. Padovan

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