Monday, May 7, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Happy Monday!
Today we started our day off with calendar, story time, Show and Tell and healthy snacks.
Aaron brought in a shirt from Jamaica and his favourite toy.
Next we reviewed long vowel sound of i and practiced formation of bi, bike, Ii. Students also completed a worksheet where they had to say the name of each picture and draw a circle around the correct word. We have been practicing one vowel word everyday (sound and formation). Today half of the class participated in reading groups (the other half will participate tomorrow) and the words to sound it out were: bib, pan, den, lad, bit.
After our Language Arts, students received a shape worksheet and on the sheet they had 8 different shapes. For this activity they were required to chose one shape that reminded them of something that they like, it could be an object, food or something from nature.
Here are some examples of the shapes they chose and what reminded them of:
Circle: pizza, ball, bicycle wheel, moon
Triangle: pizza slice, house
Diamond: stars
Rectangle: sidewalk and chocolate bar
After lunch students attended Gym and French classes, wrote in their journals and wrote the words of the week in their agendas.
To finish off the day students manipulated math counters and sorting sets.
Have a great evening everyone!

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