Monday, April 30, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we began the day with calendar routine, story time and healthy snacks.
Next students practiced short sound of vowels e and u in words like yell, red, hen, pet and pup.
Students also practiced formation of  these words and the following consonants: Yy and Rr.
After that students were introduced to our new Math unit on Geometry. Today we focused on exploring the concept of position and positional language (on, off, above, top, middle, bottom, in, out, inside, outside, below). Next we played the Hokey Pokey dance. After that students completed an activity that involved numeracy skills. They were asked to count the beans and glue the right amount on a picture of a dump truck.
After lunch students wrote in their journals, attended French and Gym classes.
To finish off the day we practice our song for Arts Night and students had the choice of write on dry erase books or play with puzzles.
Have a wonderful evening!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Transportation Collage

Good Afternoon!

Thank you parents and students that came to the play yesterday, students from gr.3-8 did really well!
Today we began the day with convocation in the Gym, house games and the total house points for the week!
KIP is in first place!!!
Students came in class and we had our calendar routine, story time, show and tell and healthy snacks.
Jayden brought in his favorite toy: Buzz Lightyear!
Next, students practice sounding it out the following blends: ga/go/gu/va/ca/li
Students also practice sound and formation of the following words: cat/lick/van. On the same worksheet students were asked to circle the pictures that have the sound of v (hive, van, five).
In our Unit of Inquiry we talked about trains and what kind of things would a train cargo carry from one place to another. Students were asked to draw and with assistance write it down.
After lunch students worked on a transportation collage, played some spelling games and attended French class.
To finish off the day we played Shape Bingo.
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we began the day with calendar, story time, show and tell and healthy snacks. Alyssa was the special helper today and we had so much fun reading the book that she brought in the bag.
Next some students had to catch up on unfinished work and we completed a matching taxi activity.
After that students practiced for the French Cafe with Mme. Stella. When they came back in class they finished their paint project of the week.
Next we had the privilege of watching gr.3-8 performing the Twelfth Night Production. I must say that JKs behaved really well. It was a 45 min. performance and everyone sat quietly on the chairs.
After lunch students finished their transportation booklet and wrote in their journals. To finish off the day we practiced our song for Arts Night and students had the choice of dry erase books, math counters and lego blocks.
Have a great evening and I hope to see you this evening at 7pm!


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

We watched this clip in class today...enjoy watching with your child!

Click here to watch!

Good Afternoon!

What a sunny day today!
Students began the day with our calendar routine, story time, show and tell and healthy snacks.
Pranav was the special helper today and he did really well in his Show & Tell.
In Language Arts students practiced spelling it out the following words: fat, dog, doll, fun, fin, fed and fog. We did this as a group, I would say the word loud and clear and they would tell me the letters. After writing it down on the white board I chose some students to read the words. Next students completed a worksheet to practice formation of the following: Dd/do/dog/fa/fat/fi/fin.
Students had a rehearsal with Mme. Stella in the morning for the French Cafe. When they came back to class we worked on our second Language worksheet, where students practiced sound and formation of the following: tu/tub/Tt. On the same worksheet students had to circle the pictures that end with t such as tent, foot and boat.
In Math students worked on one on one correspondence and practice counting and writing number 14. We also re-visited what we have learned last week about coins (penny, nickels and dimes). Students had fake coins to count and write it down the right amount.
After lunch students attended Gym class. Next in our Unit of Inquiry students worked on lacing cars, this is an excellent activity for JKs to develop fine motor skills, improve hand-eye coordination and concentration.
Students also wrote in their journals and practice their penmanship skills by writing on dry erase books and alphabet cards.
To finish off the day students listened to a story read by Mr. R., we practiced our song for Arts Night and watched a clip about Transportation.
Have a blessed evening everyone!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Today we had a busy day!
We started the day off with calendar routine, story time and healthy snacks.
Next, students practiced short vowel sound of e, o and a. Students also practiced writing and sounding it out the following blends and words: bo/ba/pe/la/lo/pet/Bob/bat/lap/log.
After that students started to work on a transportation booklet and wrote in their journals. In the afternoon students attended French and Art classes. In our Art class students traced the outline of their hand with paint. They then reviewed the three primary colors and used those colors to paint the shapes inside their hand. They chose their "favorite" secondary color to paint the background. This project helps the students to practice their fine motor skills and experiment more with paint. 
To finish off the day we played alphabet bingo, practice our song for Arts night and students had the choice of playing with puzzles, math counters or blocks.
Have a great evening everyone!

Monday, April 23, 2012

I want to welcome Sophie D'Sa to our class!
I am sure we are going to have lots of fun!

Good Afternoon!

Today students had a very productive day!
We began the day with calendar, story time, Show and Tell and healthy snacks. Anastasia brought in some very interesting items. She brought in flip flops, chalk and fun book for girls.
In Language Arts, we sang our phonics song sounding it out all the letters (A-Z). Next students practiced their penmanship skills by writing the words wet, win and web. They also practiced the following blends: ve/wi/we.
To resume our Math unit on measurements students played a game called Go Fish. In our Unit of Inquiry students completed a worksheet where they had to follow instructions by coloring each type of transportation.
After lunch students wrote the words of the week in their agendas, attended Gym and French classes and wrote in their journals.
To finish off the day, students played with a variety of math manipulatives and practice our song for Arts Night.
Have a great evening everyone!
Mrs. Padovan

Friday, April 20, 2012


Today we had a busy day!
We began the day with calendar, story time, Show and Tell and healthy snacks.
Zachary brought in a funny pop up book that talked about germs.
After that we talked about Earth Day and how simple things we do everyday can make a big change in our world, students completed a craft.
Next we made earth bracelets, students were encouraged to use earth colors. After that we read a story and practice our song for Arts Night.

After lunch students helped the earth by collecting garbage in our playground, everyone did a really good job! Enjoy the pictures;)

To finish off the day we played alphabet bingo and students had the choice of puzzles, books, lego blocks or lacing.
Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today students had a different seating work routine. First we began the day with calendar, story time, Show & Tell and healthy snacks. Dolapo was the special helper today and she brought in a book. We read her book after first recess, everyone enjoyed!
Next we made an owl collage using ripped paper and lots of glue!
After that we went outside and played a game where students pretended to be cars and they had to obey the traffic lights.
After lunch students attended French class and completed an activity where they had to cut, paste and match all the basic shapes (rectangle, heart, circle, square, star, and oval).
After second recess we played grocery store, students got to use their paper coins from yesterday's activity. Everyone enjoyed!

Important Reminders:
- Earth Day is this tomorrow. Students can wear blue, brown and green.
- Mrs. Haag's class is promoting a food drive in our school, please bring in non-perishable food items.
- 50/50 raffle tickets are on sale before and after school to help support the Ottawa trip for students from Gr.6-8. Only parents will be able to buy tickets.
- Students from Gr. 3-8 are working hard for the Twelfth Night production. The play will take place next Thursday at 7 P.M. in the auditorium. All are welcome!
- The French Cafe is May 4. Please RSVP to Madame Stella. All are welcome!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

French Cafe - Please RSVP by April 30

Check Mme. Stella's blog for more details


What a nice sunshine day today!
We started our day with calendar routine, Show & Tell, story time and healthy snacks.
Akshay brought in a Lego car!
After that students practiced short vowel sound of i, u, e and a in words such as bed, bell, big, bus and sack. Students also practiced their penmanship skills by writing these words down.
In Math students completed a worksheet where they had to count the objects and circle the correct number.
In our unit on Measurements, we looked into naming coins today. Students decorated pretend wallets and cut out paper coins (pennies, nickels and dimes).
In Unit of Inquiry on Transportation students learned about traffic lights, students colored a traffic light booklet.
In the afternoon students attended Gym and French classes. After recess we played Bingo and students had a choice of playing with sorting sets or puzzles.
Have a great evening everyone!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Despite the cold wind outside we had a fun and busy day today!
Students began their day with calendar routine, story time, healthy snacks and Show & Tell.
Anisha brought in a doll that she really likes.
After that students completed a couple of worksheets where they practiced short sound of u, a and e in words like rug, egg, tag, had, sat and sad. Students also practiced formation of the following letters: Ss/Tt/d/Rr.
In our Math unit, today we talked about duration of events. Students had to cut out pictures of kids doing different activities, sort the pictures out by using the terms long(er) time and short(er) time to talk about duration of events.
In our Unit of Inquiry, students made hot air balloon with their picture on it. Make sure you stop by our class to check our transportation wall.
After lunch students attended French class, wrote in their journals and played with counters and manipulatives in class.
Have a great evening everyone and remember to read 5-10 min. with your child.
Please return the readers tomorrow.
Thank you,
Mrs. Padovan

Monday, April 16, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we began the day with calendar, story time, Show & Tell and healthy snacks.
After that we reviewed the short vowel sound of e and i in words like net, jet and fit.
Students then completed a worksheet where they had to look at the picture, circle the letter that they heard at the beginning of each word and color the pictures. Students also completed a worksheet where they had to say the name of the picture and draw a circle around the correct word. Students are now practicing sounding it out or reading one vowel word everyday either in reading groups or seating work time.
As part of our unit in Math, today students were introduced to the concept of ordering events. To help students to better understand this concept we prepared a simple 3-step activity together: microwave popcorn.
We discussed the order of the steps by using the words first, next and last. We talked about what the popcorn looks like before it is popped and after.
After that, students were asked to illustrate what we did to make the popcorn.
Students were encouraged to use words that tell the order of what they did: “First, we…. Next, we…. Last, we….”
Everyone participated really well and of course students got to try the popcorn!
In the afternoon students also worked on an activity where they had to put events in order.
In the afternoon students wrote in their journals, attended French class, participated in reading groups and had some time to explore manipulatives in class.
Have a great evening everyone!


Dear Parents,
Once again I am asking for your help in order to collect egg cartons.
Preferable cardboard ones :)
Thank you,
Mrs. Padovan

Friday, April 13, 2012

Fire Truck Visit!

Good Afternoon!

Today we began the day with calendar, Show & Tell, story time and healthy snacks!
Demiana brought in whistles and cookies for everyone. Thank you Demiana!
After that, we prepared a very nice thank card for the firefighters that came to our school today. Students had lots of fun going inside the fire truck and talking to the firefighters. Enjoy the pictures!
After lunch we had Art class where students worked on "Puddle Art" using primary colors. In Language Arts we reviewed sound and formation of U and practiced writing and reading the word MUD. Just a reminder that our reading programme is heavily phonics based. In JK, students first learn the short/long-vowel sounds, then the sounds of the consonants. As each new consonant is introduced, the students learn the consonant short-vowel blend as well. A blend is when two or more letters are grouped together, but each phoneme retains its original sound.
In the afternoon students attended French class and to finish off the day we created edible fire trucks by using the following ingredients: crackers, carrots, cream cheese, pretzels stick and sour gummy. I don't even need to mention that this activity was the highest point of the day!
I just want to say that JKs behaved really well today when the fire truck came in our school!
Way to go JKs!
Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today JKs had a very productive day!
We began the day with calendar, story time, healthy snacks and Show & Tell.

Aaron did really well in his Show and Tell, he brought in Finn McMissile from the movie Cars 2. Aaron had lots to show and lots to tell about his toy:)

In Language Arts students practiced sound and formation of the word LAP. We also reviewed short vowel sound of A and with help students were able to identify pictures that end with L.

Right after that students practiced sound and formation of Y/Z/K/P (both upper and lower case).

In Math students used modeling clay to create "cookies" and a pan balance to compare the mass of the cookies.

In our Unit of Inquiry we looked into garbage trucks today and its function. At the end of our discussion students were thankful for this type of transportation.

After lunch we measured the height of each student and along with that played some games. We organized the class in a single line shortest to tallest, then we did tallest to shortest.

To finish off the day students had a table with play sand and lots of measuring containers. Everyone had a lot of fun!

Have a great evening!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we started the day off with calendar routine, story time, show and tell and healthy snacks.
Samaira was so happy to be the special helper today! She brought in a beautiful picture of her with mommy and a car.
After that students practiced short vowel sound of E in the word KEG and in the same worksheet they had to circle the pictures that end with k. Students also practiced name, sound and formation of letters W/Y/a/c/d/g.
In our Math unit students compared and ordered objects according to mass by using a pan balance. Everyone had a turn to use the balance.
In our Unit of Inquiry we continue to work on a booklet about all types of transportation and its function.
After lunch students wrote in their journals, attended Gym and French classes.
To finish off the day we played Alphabet Bingo.
Have a great evening!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Good Afternoon!

I hope everyone had a good Easter!
We began our day with students sharing what they did on the weekend, after that we had our morning routine with calendar, story time, snacks and Show & Tell. Ethan did really well in his Show and Tell, he brought in a toy guitar.
In our Language Arts we practice sound and formation of the word JUG and we reviewed the short vowel sound of U.
Students also practiced name, sound and formation of letters: t/l/h/s/p. On the same worksheet students had to match each picture to the letter with which begins.
After that we jumped into our Math unit. This week students are going to be exposed to the following: compare and order the capacity and mass of objects, use simple measurement terms correctly (e.g.,empty/full, heavy/light ) and order two or more objects according to mass.
Today we did an experiment in class where students had to predict which thermos would hold more water inside. Everyone participated really well!
In our Unit of Inquiry we read a book about different types of boat and we continue to work on a transportation booklet.
After recess students wrote in their journals and attended French class.
JKs have been practicing everyday for the French Cafe on May 4th. Please mark in your calendars!
To finish off the day, students had the choice of playing with puzzles or manipulatives.
Have a great evening everyone!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy Easter!


Please comment in your child's report card and send it to school, I'll photocopy and return it to you.
Mark the French Cafe on your calendars MAY 4th and visit the french blog for more information
JKs have been practicing everyday with Mme. Stella and I am sure they will do a terrific job on stage!

Happy Easter!

Today students were so excited!
We began the day with a house game in the Gym, then students came in class and we had our calendar routine, Show & Tell and snacks. Sara brought in a book for her Show and Tell.
Students then colored, cut and glued an Easter bunny in a paper bag, so they could put all the treats in the bag.
After lunch students listened to a nice story read by Ms. Poland. Then we decorated an Easter egg and went to Music and French classes.
After second recess, students participated in an Easter Egg Hunt. Everyone had so much fun!
After that students had to count and write it down how many plastic eggs they found.
Everyone did a great job!
Happy Easter everyone and enjoy the long weekend!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Tomorrow is Spirit Dress up Day. Please wear Easter colors.

Good Afternoon!

Today we began the day with calendar, snacks, Show & Tell and a nice story read by Ms. Poland.
Michael brought in a Toronto Football Club scarf, that was a great idea for Show & Tell and Michael was really excited to talk about his scarf!
After that we started our Language Arts activities, today students practiced sound and formation of the words HEN and YES.
In our Unit of Inquiry students watched a short video from Sesame Street about what the word transportation mean.
After that, students started a booklet about transportation and we will be working on that in the next couple of school days.
In our Math unit students helped me to measure 3 snakes by using lego blocks.
After lunch students attended Gym and French classes, wrote in their journals and to finish off our day we did an activity involving cutting skills where students had to place each truck in the parking place with the matching number.
Have a great evening everyone!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Today we had a busy day!
We began the day with calendar, snacks and Show & Tell. Mia brought in some interesting toys, a lion, a crown and a jump rope.
After that we began our Language Arts worksheets. Today students had to sound and write letter G and after that sound and write the word GUM.
Students also practiced sound and formation of letters B/D/N/W and they completed a worksheets where they had to circle the pictures that begin with W.
In Math students participated in an activity called "String Search" where students got different length strings and they had to go around the classroom try to find an object that was longer, shorter and about the same length.
In our Unit of Inquiry students completed as activity where they had to sort out different transportation into land, sea and air.
After that we played a game called Bus Learning, we pretended to go in a bus ride, but in order to go in the bus, students had to get the "tickets" and find their seat number.
After lunch students attended Music and French classes.
To finish off our day, students wrote in their journals and had the choice of putting puzzles together or playing with blocks.
Have a great evening everyone!

A New Friend...

I want to welcome Dolapo to our class!

I am sure you will have lots of fun!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Welcome to our class Ms. Poland

Ms. Poland will be helping out in our class this week.

Good Afternoon!

Today we had a really fun day!
We began the day with our calendar routine, snacks and Show & Tell. Jayden brought in a book about his favorite animal, a horse!
After that Ms. Poland read a nice story tittled: "Mmm, Cookies!" by Robert Munsch.
In Language Arts, students practiced reading and writing the word FAN, name and formation of letters V/F/R/J/A/E/I/O/U and also students had to say the name of each picture and circle the beginning blend.
In our Math unit on measurements, students helped me to sort out objects of different heights. After that students made stick puppets related to a story that we read last week: The three Bears.
In the afternoon, students attended Gym and French classes.
To finish off the day everyone wrote in their journals and played Alphabet Bingo!
Have a great evening everyone!
And please remember to comment in your child's report card, send to school, I'll photocopy and return to you on the same day!
Thank you,
Mrs. Padovan