Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Despite the cold wind outside we had a fun and busy day today!
Students began their day with calendar routine, story time, healthy snacks and Show & Tell.
Anisha brought in a doll that she really likes.
After that students completed a couple of worksheets where they practiced short sound of u, a and e in words like rug, egg, tag, had, sat and sad. Students also practiced formation of the following letters: Ss/Tt/d/Rr.
In our Math unit, today we talked about duration of events. Students had to cut out pictures of kids doing different activities, sort the pictures out by using the terms long(er) time and short(er) time to talk about duration of events.
In our Unit of Inquiry, students made hot air balloon with their picture on it. Make sure you stop by our class to check our transportation wall.
After lunch students attended French class, wrote in their journals and played with counters and manipulatives in class.
Have a great evening everyone and remember to read 5-10 min. with your child.
Please return the readers tomorrow.
Thank you,
Mrs. Padovan

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