Friday, April 13, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we began the day with calendar, Show & Tell, story time and healthy snacks!
Demiana brought in whistles and cookies for everyone. Thank you Demiana!
After that, we prepared a very nice thank card for the firefighters that came to our school today. Students had lots of fun going inside the fire truck and talking to the firefighters. Enjoy the pictures!
After lunch we had Art class where students worked on "Puddle Art" using primary colors. In Language Arts we reviewed sound and formation of U and practiced writing and reading the word MUD. Just a reminder that our reading programme is heavily phonics based. In JK, students first learn the short/long-vowel sounds, then the sounds of the consonants. As each new consonant is introduced, the students learn the consonant short-vowel blend as well. A blend is when two or more letters are grouped together, but each phoneme retains its original sound.
In the afternoon students attended French class and to finish off the day we created edible fire trucks by using the following ingredients: crackers, carrots, cream cheese, pretzels stick and sour gummy. I don't even need to mention that this activity was the highest point of the day!
I just want to say that JKs behaved really well today when the fire truck came in our school!
Way to go JKs!
Have a great weekend everyone!

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