Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Today we had a busy day!
We began the day with calendar, snacks and Show & Tell. Mia brought in some interesting toys, a lion, a crown and a jump rope.
After that we began our Language Arts worksheets. Today students had to sound and write letter G and after that sound and write the word GUM.
Students also practiced sound and formation of letters B/D/N/W and they completed a worksheets where they had to circle the pictures that begin with W.
In Math students participated in an activity called "String Search" where students got different length strings and they had to go around the classroom try to find an object that was longer, shorter and about the same length.
In our Unit of Inquiry students completed as activity where they had to sort out different transportation into land, sea and air.
After that we played a game called Bus Learning, we pretended to go in a bus ride, but in order to go in the bus, students had to get the "tickets" and find their seat number.
After lunch students attended Music and French classes.
To finish off our day, students wrote in their journals and had the choice of putting puzzles together or playing with blocks.
Have a great evening everyone!

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