Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Good Afternoon!

What a sunny day today!
Students began the day with our calendar routine, story time, show and tell and healthy snacks.
Pranav was the special helper today and he did really well in his Show & Tell.
In Language Arts students practiced spelling it out the following words: fat, dog, doll, fun, fin, fed and fog. We did this as a group, I would say the word loud and clear and they would tell me the letters. After writing it down on the white board I chose some students to read the words. Next students completed a worksheet to practice formation of the following: Dd/do/dog/fa/fat/fi/fin.
Students had a rehearsal with Mme. Stella in the morning for the French Cafe. When they came back to class we worked on our second Language worksheet, where students practiced sound and formation of the following: tu/tub/Tt. On the same worksheet students had to circle the pictures that end with t such as tent, foot and boat.
In Math students worked on one on one correspondence and practice counting and writing number 14. We also re-visited what we have learned last week about coins (penny, nickels and dimes). Students had fake coins to count and write it down the right amount.
After lunch students attended Gym class. Next in our Unit of Inquiry students worked on lacing cars, this is an excellent activity for JKs to develop fine motor skills, improve hand-eye coordination and concentration.
Students also wrote in their journals and practice their penmanship skills by writing on dry erase books and alphabet cards.
To finish off the day students listened to a story read by Mr. R., we practiced our song for Arts Night and watched a clip about Transportation.
Have a blessed evening everyone!

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