Monday, April 16, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we began the day with calendar, story time, Show & Tell and healthy snacks.
After that we reviewed the short vowel sound of e and i in words like net, jet and fit.
Students then completed a worksheet where they had to look at the picture, circle the letter that they heard at the beginning of each word and color the pictures. Students also completed a worksheet where they had to say the name of the picture and draw a circle around the correct word. Students are now practicing sounding it out or reading one vowel word everyday either in reading groups or seating work time.
As part of our unit in Math, today students were introduced to the concept of ordering events. To help students to better understand this concept we prepared a simple 3-step activity together: microwave popcorn.
We discussed the order of the steps by using the words first, next and last. We talked about what the popcorn looks like before it is popped and after.
After that, students were asked to illustrate what we did to make the popcorn.
Students were encouraged to use words that tell the order of what they did: “First, we…. Next, we…. Last, we….”
Everyone participated really well and of course students got to try the popcorn!
In the afternoon students also worked on an activity where they had to put events in order.
In the afternoon students wrote in their journals, attended French class, participated in reading groups and had some time to explore manipulatives in class.
Have a great evening everyone!

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