Thursday, April 26, 2012

Good Afternoon!

Today we began the day with calendar, story time, show and tell and healthy snacks. Alyssa was the special helper today and we had so much fun reading the book that she brought in the bag.
Next some students had to catch up on unfinished work and we completed a matching taxi activity.
After that students practiced for the French Cafe with Mme. Stella. When they came back in class they finished their paint project of the week.
Next we had the privilege of watching gr.3-8 performing the Twelfth Night Production. I must say that JKs behaved really well. It was a 45 min. performance and everyone sat quietly on the chairs.
After lunch students finished their transportation booklet and wrote in their journals. To finish off the day we practiced our song for Arts Night and students had the choice of dry erase books, math counters and lego blocks.
Have a great evening and I hope to see you this evening at 7pm!

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