Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Today we had a busy day!
We started the day off with calendar routine, story time and healthy snacks.
Next, students practiced short vowel sound of e, o and a. Students also practiced writing and sounding it out the following blends and words: bo/ba/pe/la/lo/pet/Bob/bat/lap/log.
After that students started to work on a transportation booklet and wrote in their journals. In the afternoon students attended French and Art classes. In our Art class students traced the outline of their hand with paint. They then reviewed the three primary colors and used those colors to paint the shapes inside their hand. They chose their "favorite" secondary color to paint the background. This project helps the students to practice their fine motor skills and experiment more with paint. 
To finish off the day we played alphabet bingo, practice our song for Arts night and students had the choice of playing with puzzles, math counters or blocks.
Have a great evening everyone!

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